public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag pc

August 2008

パソコンと携帯電話の普及率トップは「北陸」、大都市圏を上回る・07年総務省調べ ビジネス-最新ニュース:IT-PLUS

by kuroyagi

July 2008

dupeGuru |

by simon_bricolo
tool to find duplicate files on your computer

OCZ Technology | Products | OCZ Peripherals | nia - Neural Impulse Actuator

by oqdbpo
OCZ’s Neural Impulse Actuator (nia) marks a new era in gaming. Rather than being a substitute for a mouse, the nia is a pioneering new peripheral to be used in conjunction with your mouse for a more immersive gaming experience. The nia is compatible with any PC game using keyboard input… past, present, or future. Predefined profiles included with the software allow the gamer to develop their own nia—memory to launch the desired behavior of their character and shoot with the “blink of an eye”, without lifting a finger.

June 2008

国内メーカーがEee PCを作れない理由:ITpro

by kuroyagi

by faraway
téléchargement de logiciels en français pour mac, pc, linux. Ergonomie moyenne (utiliser la fonction de recherche est souvent utile)

IPod: Copy Music from Your iPhone or iPod to Your Computer for Free |

by simon_bricolo
tools and techniques for getting music off any model iPod onto nearly any computer—for free

May 2008

Readair | Google

by simon_bricolo
ReadAir is an OSX Themed Desktop Client for Mac or Windows. Built with Adobe Air.

April 2008

Une plateforme de synchronisation et bien plus...

by Giraultises & 1 other (via)
Live Mesh est une innovation Microsoft qui vous permettra de synchroniser plusieurs terminaux, plateformes sociales, services, ... le tout on/off line! Je resterais court dans mes explications car ce service est trop long à tout expliqué... A voir!

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag pc

adapter +   aide +   assemble +   backup +   choisir +   choixpc +   communication +   comparacion +   compras +   computer +   curro +   design +   dual +   dvd +   ecoutezvous +   firefox +   foobar +   harddrive +   hardware +   howto +   innovation +   ipod +   jackpc +   monitor +   movable+type +   novice +   par +   pdf +   penser +   pice +   productivity +   psp +   repair +   rss +   search +   si +   silencieux +   small +   software +   stream +   technology +   tes +   theme +   thunderbird +   tips +   vaio +   vous +   Wall paper +   webservice +   windows +