public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag pagerank

February 2006 » Google PageRank Updates Feb 05

by iWonder (via)
few tools to check pagerank in various ways. Please not that different tools listed use different datacenters so the result may vary.

PageRank de Google

by sunny
Expliquation rapide et mathématique du PageRank

Google Delists BMW-Germany - Slashdot

by zboog
Raenex writes "The car maker BMW has had its German website delisted from Google. The delisting was punishment for using deceptive means to boost page ranking, which has now been set to zero for BMW. Matt Cutts, a Google employee who works to stop

January 2006

Google Watch Watch

by pascalv & 2 others
A critic on the web site that critics google

December 2005

PageRank Live

by Arnaud L. & 6 others
Calcul du PageRank

PageRank Live

by camel & 6 others
Calculez votre PageRank

November 2005

October 2005

September 2005

When it Comes to Search Engines, Links are Power…

by jmaddock
One of the fundamental driving forces behind a website’s ranking is the number of incoming links it has.

August 2005