public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag os

January 2010

November 2009

Moblin Netbook Intro |

by nhoizey
"Moblin is different. It's a friendly way to get the most out of your netbook. It doesn't work like most other computers because it's optimized for enjoying media, interacting with your social networks and the internet. "

October 2009

Microsoft continue à se moquer de nous avec Windows Mobile 6.5

by nhoizey
Gizmodo a testé Windows Mobile 6.5, ça ne donne vraiment pas envie. "handset manufacturers have done more in the last two years to improve Windows Mobile than Microsoft has, which borders on pathetic"

August 2009

Welcome -

by ycc2106 & 1 other is a service that allows you to boot nearly any operating system or utility on any computer with a wired internet connection - without having to know ahead of time what you'll want to boot. Once you can, you never need to update your boot disk again! works through the magic of netbooting. There are a number of ways to boot a computer with The simplest is to download a bootable image and burn it to a CD, USB memory stick, or floppy disk. Boot off it on any networked computer, and it will automatically fetch the latest boot options from and let you choose from dozens of installation, recovery, testing, portable desktop and other tools. You can also start from any computer running gPXE, or from any netbootable computer with some simple tweaks to your DHCP server.

July 2009

Google lâche une bombe atomique sur Microsoft: Chrome OS

by nhoizey
« Les rumeurs couraient depuis un certain temps…cela vient de se confirmer et ça va faire du bruit: Google lancera à la mi 2010 son propre système d’exploitation Google Chrome OS. »

June 2009

YouTube - Moblin 2.0 Netbook Beta Introduction

by fastclemmy (via)
An interesting demo for a netbook OS. The video is quite sexy for an open-source project!

May 2009

Windows 7 Release Candidate Customer Preview Program

by ycc2106 & 1 other
#Y ou don't need to rush to get the RC. The RC will be available at least through July 2009 and we're not limiting the number of product keys, so you have plenty of time. # Watch the calendar. The RC will expire on June 1, 2010. Starting on March 1, 2010, your PC will begin shutting down every two hours. Windows will notify you two weeks before the bi-hourly shutdowns start. To avoid interruption, you’ll need to install a non-expired version of Windows before March 1, 2010. You’ll also need to install the programs and data that you want to use. (Learn more about installing Windows.)

April 2009

February 2009

Un OS tactile pour Netbook

by Giraultises & 6 others (via)
Jolicloud est un de nouveau projet de Tarik Krim (Fondateur de Netvibes) est un OS basé sur linux et optimiser pour les ordinateurs portables à bas coût et à priori pour les écrans tactiles. Nous le verrons peut-être sur la futur TechCrunch Tablet ?

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag os

cd-rom +   operating-systems +   shopping +   smalltalk +   software +   squeak +