December 2004
Open Source Alternatives: Weighing the Pros and Cons (Open Source)
by Pandoraweighing the pros and cons of open source alternative software [via Linkfilter]
Susan Mernit's Blog (mark-pesce-on-bittorrent)
by PandoraHe put it in words best about the whole Biztorrent debacle. [via BoingBoing] Curbside prophet
by PandoraI find this so entertaining that I think I just might start a cult following. :)
PC Magazine promotes Blogging for kiddies
by PandoraA Summary of the PC Mag review about MSN spaces and how it applies to kid's blogging.
The Daily Whim: MT Plus Comment Spam Equals Dead Site
by PandoraThis article discusses the MT comment spam issue. [via BlogHerald] � Movable Type to WordPress Switch
by PandoraAnother opinion regarding a switch to Wordpress from Movable Type.
Moving Your Web Site (Web Hosting)
by PandoraAn article explaining how and why you should move your website to another hosting provider. - Canada's not so nice, after all
by of the few articles encouraging Americans NOT to move to Canada.
November 2004 Books: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents America (The Book): A Citizen\'s Guide to Democracy Inaction
by PandoraCheeky, irreverent and playfully ingenuous, this abbreviated history of democracy is everything one would expect from the writers of Comedy Central's fake news program, which recently (and somewhat scandalously) won the Television Critics Association's aw
July 2004
Mac Rumors: Apple Mac Rumors and News You Care About
by Pandora & 19 othersfor the mac lovers in all of us