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PUBLIC MARKS with tags opensource & php

January 2008

JobberBase |

by simon_bricolo & 8 others
script php opensource pour créer un site de petites annonces pour des emplois

PrestaShop |

by simon_bricolo & 20 others, 2 comments
Another new php opensource ecommerce solution. "Free Open-Source shopping cart software for Web 2.0"

TorrentFlux - PHP BitTorrent Client

by lecyborg & 4 others
TorrentFlux is a FREE web torrent client that runs on a web server. It is implemented on the LAMP stack. Manage all of your Torrent downloads through a convenient web interface from anywhere.

December 2007

PHP Login script

by lecyborg & 2 others
If you're looking for a serious script to manage your users then you're at the right place. Built with security in mind and packed with dozens of features, our PHP login script is the right solution for every webmaster looking to take his website to the next level. Trust us, we've stayed (and we still do for early versions) open-source long enough to learn what people really need.

November 2007

Home - OpenSourceCMS

by cyborgjeff & 69 others
Comparaison entre les différents CMS libre (site en anglais)

October 2007 All the code that's fit to printf()

by greut (via)

Welcome to Check out our projects

Cool projects by the NY Times geeks.

September 2007

August 2007

NoseRub |

by simon_bricolo & 3 others
a protocol for decentralized social networks. In this code repository, we will hold a sample application in PHP, that implement NoseRub

On-line Social Internet Bookmarks

by chernobylnews
Video, Music, Software, Programming, Design, Linux, Tools, Technology, Blog, Business, Web, Mac, Free, Opensource, Funny, Reference, Web20, Computer, Ajax, Php,


by Laurent-GDN & 8 others
Open source PHP - wbn application framework

July 2007

June 2007

Chat en Ajax

by lecyborg & 2 others
Ajax Chat Engine ACE est un moteur un Chat qui permet de communiquer via votre navigateur, sans aucun applet JAVA. Ajax Chat Engine est divisé en deux parties : * ACE Server Totalement indépendant, le server simule un server HTTP et forge ses informations telles que la technologie AJAX peut les interpreter. Developpé en C et grace aux tables de Hashages, les performances sont incontestablement puissantes et peu gourmandes en ressources. MySQL est utilisé uniquement lors du Login de l'user pour plus de praticité, ensuite le server gère lui même la gestion des informations. * ACE client Developpé en JavaScript grace à la technologie AJAX, le client n'a besoin d'aucun programme exterieur comme un applet JAVA ou CGI. La légèreté et portabilité de ACE Client est donc son atout principal.

PLICI - PHP Open Source Solution d'e-commerce et de gestion de contenu - Accueil

by camel & 6 others
Simpliciweb met à la disposition des webdesigners et webmasters indépendants la version 1.0.0.RC.1 de son logiciel PLICI. Le développement de modules vient enrichir les fonctionnalités de ce logiciel open source. PLICI est une solution open source d’e-commerce multisites : création, administration et hébergement de sites internet.

May 2007

Pligg CMS

by chunmin & 32 others
"Pligg is unique compared to most other content management systems because of its flexibility. A web designer can do pretty much anything with Pligg because the software was designed to be used in as many ways as possible.

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