public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags online & outil

February 2007

eyeOS Home | Web Desktop -

by zagtag & 16 others
Web OS - Web Office - your files and applications everywhere

November 2006

ocrNow! - online ocr service server for personal and document workflow solutions

by banzai
We take scanned images, fax documents or even PDF files and convert them, automatically, to a format you can then edit in a Word processor or other application.

October 2006

Dojo ShrinkSafe -- the safe way to make your JS sprightly

by clochix & 13 others
ShrinkSafe is a JavaScript "compression" system. It can typically reduce the size of your scripts by a third or more, depending on your programming style. Many other tools also shrink JavaScript files, but ShrinkSafe is different. Instead of relying on brittle regular expressions, ShrinkSafe is based on Rhino, a JavaScript interpreter. This allows ShrinkSafe to transform the source of a file with much more confidence that the resulting script will function identically to the file you uploaded.

July 2006

IT|Redux ยป Office 2.0

by nhoizey & 1 other
use a generic web browser and a set of online services to provide all the functionality needed by a computer user, removing the need for any application to be installed on the computer itself. I call it Office 2.0.

June 2005

Upload and crop your photos, web graphics, Skype / MSN / Yahoo avatars. No more Photoshop!

by nhoizey & 13 others (via)
Upload and crop your photos, web graphics, Skype / MSN / Yahoo avatars and much more. Forget Photoshop!

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag online

3rdsense +   casual +   folksonomy +   fun +   games +   play +   suttree +