public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag news


Kathryn Cramer: Iraq: The Secret Policeman's Other Ball

by ramage
the role of private military companies in Iraq

WorldNetDaily: Senator demands hearings on translator crisis at FBI

by ramage
Backlogs of untranslated Arabic chatter by suspected terrorists are piling higher at the department, thanks to a post-9-11 increase in wiretaps and a still-chronic shortage of qualified translators,

All That Goes Untranslated | Blogalization

by ramage
esp. before 9/11...letter from Sen. Leahy to messrs. Ashcroft and Mueller. Talk about lost in translation.

Google News

by ramage & 58 others, 1 comment
global news, within minutes

Newseum - The Interactive Museum of News

by gweb & 9 others
headlines from newspapers front pages from around the world

It's Right and It's Free by E-mail

by jasontromm
A free student version of The Federalist providing the next generation of American leaders, presently under ideological siege on campuses across America, with a timely rebuttal to the social, economic and political Left.

Human Events Online

by jasontromm
Conservative News, Views & Books

Nealz Nuze

by jasontromm
You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you mad!

A sampler of quotations strange and sound

by jasontromm
Quotations on topics currently in the news.


by jasontromm & 11 others
A newfangled news tangle

Let Atkins rest in peace!

by jasontromm
I want you to picture yourself dead.

Disney Performer Killed by Parade Float

by jasontromm
There's gott a be a "Happiest Place on Earth" joke in here somewhere.

Daniel Okrent

by jasontromm
Bloggin editor for the NY Times

Game Studies

by parmentierf & 1 other
the international journal of computer game research

by parmentierf & 1 other
A general site on AI, with a... sophisticated interface.


by parmentierf & 103 others
News for nerds, stuff that matters (linux, hardware, ...)