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PUBLIC MARKS with tags navigateur & optimisation


Augmentez la réactivité de votre navigateur en passant le cache en RAM

by Giraultises (via)
L'idée c'est de créer un faux disque dur qui stocke vos fichiers en RAM (mémoire volatile) afin de soulager un peu le disque dur. Passez le cache de votre navigateur sur la RAM et ainsi gagnez en rapidité !


Cross-browser kerning-pairs & ligatures

by topdos & 2 others
Improved handling of kerning pairs and ligatures in modern browsers using the text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; declaration. The declaration is currently supported by: Safari 5, The Webkit Nightlies & Chrome. Firefox already uses optimizeLegibility by default for text sizes above 20px.


Overcome Your Caching Conundrums [Server Side Essentials]

by dzc
ealing with browser caching is a balancing act. On one hand, you aim to minimize load times and bandwidth use by ensuring that images, scripts, and style sheets are cached by your visitors; however, you still want to ensure that they’re accessing the most recent versions of all your files. In this article, I’ll show you a few methods for controlling how your site’s files are cached by browsers so you can achieve the best of both worlds: maintaining optimal performance while ensuring that any updates are seen immediately, without a hitch by all of your users.




PUBLIC TAGS related to tag navigateur

accessibilité +   audio +   browser +   ibm +   libre +   logiciel +   mp3 +   video +   vidéo +  

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