public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags my-blogs-to-read* & to-read*

17 November 2005

Squidoo BetaBlog - a co-op run on behalf of its members, the lensmasters.

by macroron
online platform - build lenses on topics your passionate about - find a unique, human perspective on things that interest you - Lensmasters spread their ideas, get recognized for their expertise, send traffic to Web sites and blogs, and earn royalties.

16 November 2005

Loud Thinking Blog ~David Heinemeier Hansson

by macroron & 9 others
Best Hacker of the Year - a partner in 37signals, I helped transform the venerable design shop into a product company. Basecamp, Backpack, and Ta-da List are all applications launched since the shift came into effect in February 2004. I did the programmi

15 November 2005

14 November 2005

13 November 2005