public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag mt

January 2006 | A Small Confession

by fox_b (via)

jm@foo: Movable Type用 位置プラグイン

by fox_b (via)
Google Maps APIなどの位置情報ツールとMovable Typeをつなぐプラグイン

December 2005

Web::Blogoscope: RSSとWebの関係を考える

by fox_b
Movable TypeでRSS/Atomで全文提供(かつマークアップを有効に)するには

写真な日々: MySQL移行に成功、いよいよPHP化

by fox_b (via)

ちょっとテクニカル :トータルWEB

by fox_b

PHPでMovable Typeの更新を高速化する :ちょっとテクニカル

by fox_b
サイドメニューなどに表示している「最近のエントリー」や「トラックバック」など全体で表示したい共通の部分を、エントリーの更新処理で、個別のHTMLファイルとして作成します。 ページを表示するときに、PHPの読み込み機能を使って、そのHTMLファイルを読み込んでページの一部として表示することで、常に同じ内容が全てのページで表示されるようになります。

MT Extensions: MTCollate 1.1

by fox_b (via)
The listing tags that are built in to MovableType (MTEntries, MTCategories, etc.) have limited number of sorting options. For example, while you may sort entries chronologically, it is not possible to sort them descending by date, while ascending by time. Nor is it possible to intermingle different types of listings, for example a list of comments and trackback pings. The MTCollate plugin gives you great flexibility in sorting listings (for example, descending by date while ascending by time) and allows you to list heterogeneous data (for example, entries, comment and trackback pings together sorted by time). It even allows you to sort by non-continuous values (for example, categories could be sorted by other than name or id).

Structured Blogging

by fox_b (via)
Structured Blogging plugins(for MT and WordPress)

November 2005


by fox_b (via)
MTのエントリー内でGoogleMapsを利用するプラグイン Author: Nick Punter Nick Punter自身のサイト:

BlogRolling - The best link manager for your weblog and more!

by fox_b & 16 others (via)
BlogRolling is a one-stop linklist manager for your blog or journal, helping you manage your ever-evolving linklist with ease. There are a lot of tools out there to help you blog without getting your hands dirty - but managing your linklist still means having to crawl through the HTML in your template every time you want to add or remove a link. No more! Now it's as simple as clicking a link or making a pit stop at BlogRolling.

Tags.App | Appnel Internet Solutions

by fox_b
Tags.App is a plugin for implementing a content folksonomy (tags) in Movable Type weblogs.