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PUBLIC MARKS with tag maven




WebJars - Web Libraries in Jars

by mfaure
inclure Bootstrap, JQuery ou autre directement dans le pom.xml et dans le WEB-INF/META-ING


maven/docker jungle :: new Blog( perso );

by night.kame

could just be replaced with maven-exec plugin

Comme quoi, on peut être co-auteur d'évangile sur Maven et recommander quelque chose qui n'est clairement pas une Best Practice, comme utiliser maven-antrun-plugin ou maven-exec-plugin.



[#MNG-1847] Incorrect configuration merging when using multiple executions of antrun -

by night.kame

Benjamin Bentmann

added a comment - 14/Aug/10 10:02 AM

As already pointed out by Carlos, test1/pom.xml is an invalid POM. And test2/pom.xml appears to work as intended as well, considering neither explicit ids for the executions are set and combine.children="append" has not been set.

Trouduc du jour.

JBoss Developer Framework

by night.kame

Unfortunately, Maven doesn't allow you to specify plugin versions this way. The readme for each BOM calls out any plugin versions you should use. For example, to use the plugins associated with "Java EE with Tools recommended by JBoss":


You'll need to take a look at the POM source in order to find the latest versions of plugins recommended.

Persister dans l'inadéquation et la bidouille tout en le revandiquant, c'est ça l'effet Maven.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag maven

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