public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag mashup



by gregg
Find and share amazing products, all available on Amazon.


by milouse
Twendeley (Mendeley + Twitter) is a proof-of-concept mashup built to demonstrate one usage of the Mendeley APIs.


This is now!

by gregg
This is Now project is a visual composition which uses real-time updates from the ever popular Instagram application based on users geo-tag locations. The tool streams photos instantly as soon as they are uploaded on Instagram and captures a cities movement, in a fluid story.

Créer vos propres mashups pour personnaliser vos services

by Giraultises & 2 others (via)
ifttt est un raccourcis de "If This Then That". Ce service permet de créer simplement des mashups personnalisés à l'aide de réponse au question "This" et "That". Soit respectivement, un déclencheur (ex: si M. X poste une nouvelle photo sur son compte facebook) et une action (ex: sauver celle-ci sur mon compte dropbox). Bref, laissez aller votre imagination...


Stories Unbound

by gregg
'Stories Unbound' is the world's first social-media platform for writing and reading stories, brought to you in conjunction with those nice peeps at Melbourne Writers Festival. Our free app lets you read, write and geotag stories. You can write stories about whatever you like, whenever youlike and wherever you like and then get them instantly published to our unique, 'Stories Unbound' Map, facebook and twitter.

Don't forget Japan.

by gregg & 2 others
Follow tweets about Japan all around the world.


Culture • Heidi, Anna Karénine et les zombies | Courrier international

by sammyfisherjr
"Il y a tout de même des choses plus scandaleuses que d’ajouter des langoustes mutantes à un roman de Jane Austen" Oui mais bon, quand même...


by 84GHz & 4 others
Suchmaschine mit echten Menschen dahinter. Verbindung via Facebook oder Google. Auf dem Weg zum Weltgehirn.

Active users

last mark : 30/09/2013 18:28

last mark : 08/08/2013 13:44

last mark : 04/06/2013 11:34

last mark : 12/01/2012 12:13

last mark : 04/01/2012 12:40

last mark : 13/04/2011 21:41

François Hodierne
last mark : 06/02/2011 18:43

last mark : 17/12/2010 20:42

last mark : 06/12/2010 13:28

last mark : 28/11/2010 10:24

last mark : 16/11/2010 22:29