public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag local



How to Configure WordPress Jetpack for Localhost | Word Impressed

by kloh (via)
SELECT * FROM `wp_options` WHERE `option_name` = 'jetpack_options';




Buy, sell, trade, give and be neighborly | Krrb

by simon_bricolo
Krrb is a safe place to buy, sell, trade or give to your neighbors — locally and in-person.

今後のキーワードは「ローカル」と「トリプルスクリーン」—Google 有馬誠氏に訊く(1/2) - Webマーケティング

by kuroyagi
"今後の動きとしては、ローカル広告を強みにしていきたいとのこと。現在、特にモバイルにおいて、地域に関する検索が増えているという。具体的な動きとしては、店舗情報登録サービス「Google プレイス」に力を入れていく考えだ"


by kuroyagi

Booyah - Frequently Asked Questions

by kuroyagi
"First, Check-in at real-world locations to unlock rewards. Then buy and own your favorite real-life places. During the day, you can collect rent when people Check-in to your shops. The more visitors that come to your stores, the more it raises your properties' total value. The more you Check-in, the faster you'll level-up to unlock more locations to buy and upgrade, and the higher you'll climb up the leaderboard rankings. "

【速報】 米国モバイル位置情報アプリはすでに7000種超!そのアプリ・トレンドを調査する:in the looop:ITmedia オルタナティブ・ブログ

by kuroyagi


by kuroyagi


by kuroyagi

Mo’ Bulletproofer @Font-Face CSS Syntax

by nhoizey
"After careful consideration, research, and discussion – I strongly recommend that you don’t use local() at all"

Welcome - The Bold Italic - San Francisco

by gregg & 2 others
The Bold Italic equips you with unique local intel, backstories and adventures that define San Francisco. Use them to get out and be a better local.


RECUPE - Donner au lieu de jeter - Site de Dons sur internet

by ycc2106 & 4 others
Alternative � la soci�t� de consommation : plut�t que jeter vos vieilles affaires, vieux objets, �quipements � la poubelle: Donnez les. Lieu de dons qui permet la r�cuperation gratuite d'objets gratuits casses ou usag�s. - Annuaire et carte de la Suisse

by ycc2106 & 3 others
DO NOT USE THE FREECALL FROM PRIVATE PHONES >> They sell information to telemarketing companies

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