public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag languages

December 2008

October 2008

LLOW - Languages of the World - LanguageServer - University of Graz

by rike_
The LLOW-database is work in progress and this version is restricted to what you see and what you get. The ultimate aim is to arrive at an extensive description of all languages of the world on the basis of linguistic-genetic (language families, clusters, ...) and sociolinguistic (status as official language, minority language, ...) criteria as well as social-, geopolitical and geographical parameters (number of speakers, geographical extension, ...). In addition to this literature references, internet-links, short texts on the individual language families and groups as well as text- and audio samples of individual languages will be offered.

August 2008

June 2008

March 2008

ReadTheWords : de l’écrit à l’oral sur le Web | Guitef

by FrancoisGuite
ReadTheWords, est un service en ligne gratuit qui convertit un document écrit, incluant les PDF, en fichier audio Mp3 qu'on peut ensuite télécharger sur un iPod ou insérer dans un blogue.

January 2008

December 2007

November 2007

DigiBarn Posters: Mother Tongues of Computer Languages

by kasi77 & 1 other (via)
This is a poster gives us a peek at the strongest branches of computer languages. This appeared in Wired Magazine and you can find a more exhaustive compilation at The Language List at the University of Freiburg. Sources for this chart include: Paul Boutin and Bret Hailpern at IBM Research and Todd Proebsting at Microsoft, The Retrocomputing Museum, and Gio Wiederhold at Stanford University.

October 2007

September 2007

August 2007

July 2007

June 2007

May 2007

April 2007

March 2007

Languages : Indo-European Family

by runen
Essay on the indo-european linguistic family

February 2007

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

by manuelk
The Open University online prospectus; Courses & Qualifications - E841 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Worldwide, This course offers a

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

by manuelk & 1 other
Find information on the range of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) exams and English Language Teaching (ELT) schemes, offered by the University ...

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag languages

.net +   books +   c +   c# +   c++ +   chinese +   computers +   css + +   design +   development +   english +   eu +   europe +   flash mx 2004 as2 +   functional +   internet +   italian +   java +   javascript +   jobs +   js +   jvm +   language +   learning +   linguistics +   lisp +   logic +   nice +   now +   online +   perl +   php +   programming +   prolog +   python +   ruby +   scheme +   software +   theory +   tips +   tocheck +   toread +   tosave +   translate +   translation +   translators +   tutorials +   web +   websites +