public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag languages

May 2006

April 2006

Browse Amazon Books: Practical Extraction & Reporting Language - Perl

by access2
Perl is the most versatile and practical lnaguage for server-side scripting applications.

March 2006

99 Bottles of Beer | Start

by micah & 2 others
This Website holds a collection of the Song 99 Bottles of Beer programmed in different programming languages. Actually the song is represented in 929 different programming languages and variations.

AskOxford: Frequently Asked Questions

by micah (via)
We have built a database of some of the questions sent in to the Oxford Word and Language Service team, so it is likely that if your question is a fairly broad one on grammar, usage, or words then it will be answered here.

February 2006

January 2006


by GeorgesMariano
Menhir est un générateur d'analyseurs syntaxiques LR(1) pour le langage de programmation Objective Caml. En d'autres termes, Menhir traduit des spécifications de grammaires LR(1) en code Objective Caml. Menhir a été conçu et implémenté par Franço

STklos Home Page

by GeorgesMariano
STklos is a free Scheme system supporting most of the languages features defined in R5RS. The aim of this implementation is to be fast as well as light. The implementation is based on an ad-hoc Virtual Machine. STklos can also be compiled as a library and

Tolkien's Not-So-Secret Vice

by micah (via)
In 1931, Tolkien wrote an essay about the somewhat peculiar hobby of devising private languages. He called it A Secret Vice. But in Tolkien's case, the "vice" can hardly be called secret anymore.

December 2005

November 2005

September 2005

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag languages

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