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November 2008 Blog » Blog Archive » Gaza/Sderot: Life in Spite of Everything

by srcmax is currently producing a fascinating web documentary Gaza/Sderot: Life in Spite of Everything. Every day during its running time, two short (a couple minutes each) videos are added to the site - one shot in the Palestinian city of Gaza, the other in the neighboring Israeli town of Sderot, just across the border. The videos are presented in an innovative format, side by side, separated by the “/” representing the border between the two cities. Context is key here: to watch one video without the other would be to miss the bigger picture.

October 2008 internetissä. Don Edkins 27.10.08 |

by srcmax & 1 other
Today the first documentary commissioned for the internet by Arte France starts its broadcast. GAZA SDEROT – Life in spite of everything is an experimental 60 day interactive project designed the interactive production company and produced in Paris by a French documentary production company Bo Travail!, together with Arte France and its web team.

MYBLOG by Ouriel: Gaza/Sderot: A stunning web documentary one tough reality

by srcmax (via)
This summer i met the team behind Gaza/Sderot a gorgeous documentary packaged in a gorgeous web site made for the web only and distributed on the web only. This web document (i hesitate using the expression work of art) is produced the French/Geman TV channel Arte and is about showcasing everyday a 2min video on the parallel reality lived by Gaza and Sderot Citizens.

September 2008

Google Maps Mania: The 20 Best French Google Maps Mash-Ups

by srcmax & 2 others (via)
Today we have a guest post by Renaud Euvrard, who has been the French contributor to Google Maps Mania since 2006. His blog,, is one of the most important French blogs about the geoweb, "geo"mashups and neogeography.

May 2008

On Death and Dying (Puppies and Flowers)

by srcmax
Have you ever wondered what happens after you die? Thanatorama is a French flash documentary that explains the process. You may select English subtitles. Click on the upper left to navigate the chapters.

February 2008

Death and Dying - Miss Cellania - Miss Cellania

by srcmax (via)
Have you ever wondered what happens after you die? Thanatorama is a French flash documentary that explains the process. You may select English subtitles. Click on the upper left to navigate the chapters.

January 2008

Mao's Files: Death

by srcmax
About a few months ago, I watched this French documentary which describes in detail what happens when you die - a European perspective. However, in Singapore things are a little different.

November 2007

» Thanatorama - Internet documentary about your death

by srcmax (via)
You’re dead and you want to know what is happenning. Thanatorama will give you a fairly detailled explanation.

Transbuddha » Archive » Thanatorama

by srcmax (via)
Very informative (albeit in a rather Franco-centric manner), and a really slick interface. - Behind The Gallic Fumes

by srcmax
Thanatorama is a French flash documentary that explains the process. You may select English subtitles. During the presentation, click on the upper left to navigate the chapters.

Sensible Erection | what happens after you die

by srcmax
An eerie French flash documentary that explains what happens to your body after you die.

Neatorama » Blog Archive » Thanatorama

by srcmax
Have you ever wondered what happens after you die? Thanatorama is a French flash documentary that explains the process. You may select English subtitles. During the presentation, click on the upper left to navigate the chapters. : entertainment : You are the dead hero of this story.

by srcmax
Have you ever wondered what happens after you die? Thanatorama is a French flash documentary that explains the process. You may select English subtitles. During the presentation, click on the upper left to navigate the chapters.

What happens after you die | MetaFilter

by srcmax
Thanatorama [flash] You died this morning. Are you interested in what comes next? Webdocumentaire.

The Ptarmigan Nest - Ptarmigan, the State Bird of Alaska. A peaceful little creature. » The morning after (you died)

by srcmax (via)
This morning you died. Care to know what happens next? Have a look at the French (English subtitled) Thanatorama.

October 2007

Brands test new approach for online marketing : New Medias, New Frontiers

by srcmax (via)
A few months ago, large brands such as Dell or Ratp (one of the biggest public company in France) have been revealing their new strategy to communicate with their customers. Those plans are based on a new online service allowing all of us to post an idea for a new product or service. It's not necesary to be accreditaded before.

September 2007

Buying property in France? Check the climate simulator for 2050 first « La Vie Verte

by srcmax (via)
Science et Vie magazine, in conjunction with Metéo France, has just brought out a special issue on climate change which features a climate simulator for 2050-2100 with detailed regional forecasts for each season and the choice between a moderate or intensive scenario, depending on how gloomy you are feeling. According to the moderate scenario, the hottest places in 2050 will be Corsica, with a summertime average of 29.1 C and the Languedoc-Roussillon with 28.3 C.

May 2007

by srcmax (via)
And why couldn't we laugh at them still?

April 2007

as far as the eye can see

by srcmax (via)
Everyone like me who has been waiting and waiting for a French TV show featuring animated pieces of meat... our time has come! There are several episodes available for viewing; I recommend every single one. Thank God for the FMU blog.

French campaigns get nasty on the net from Guardian Unlimited: News blog

by srcmax
Despite all the fooling around - and even has a political love test while Segostop and Sarkostique claim they can cure you of any lingering admiration for the two main candidates - the parties have never taken the net more seriously.

WFMU's Beware of the Blog: Meat (video)

by srcmax
I don't speak French so I have no idea what is going on here exactly... but who can deny a soap opera where all the characters are pieces of meat? Any Francophiles willing to tell the rest of us what's going on here?