public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag keywords



Msg2Send - Web SMS, Bulk SMS, SMS Gateway, Broadcast, Free Trial, Singapore

by bacon
Send bulk web SMS to Singapore users with simple and reliable gateway. Real time reports, receive replies and bulk pricing discounts. Advertising and Marketing tool for promotions. Free trial.

ソーシャルゲームのマネタイズ/ツイッター投稿 2010/03/12|自由が丘のソーシャルゲーム会社社長ブログ

by kuroyagi


大手ポータルサイトの検索クエリが下1桁までわかる! キーワード調査の新定番ツール 「キーワードウォッチャー」徹底解剖(1/3):MarkeZine(マーケジン)

by kuroyagi
"キーワードウォッチャーは、レモーラリスティングの広告システムを利用するサイトから、同社に向けて送られてくる検索クエリの生データを基に、Yahoo! JAPAN、Googleなどの検索数も類推して加算。国内全体での検索数を調査できるツールに仕上がっているとのことだ。"

Compete | Compete

by ycc2106 & 6 others
Site Profiles Analyze traffic/engagement data Category Profiles Benchmark vs. a Category Tag Profiles Explore crowdsourced tagging Analytics Tools Search Analytics Find keywords driving traffic Referral Analytics Uncover sources of traffic Ranked Lists Get lists of site rankings

Keyword Tool » KEYWORD COMPETITOR « Keyword Research

by ycc2106
If you know who your competitors are, you can just type in their domain address and get a list of their ads as well as paid and organic keywords that are running right now. If you don't know your competitors you can search for keywords or keyword phrases that will help you find websites that compete for these keywords. Once you identified the relevant web sites you can search them individually through Keyword Competitor to learn what specific online advertisements they are running right now in Google and Yahoo. Fast Mover advantage - forget the pioneers who struggled to make initial headway, now that the market's been proven cash in other efforts

Google Confirms That Keyword Metatags Don't Matter

by marco
This isn't news in the sense that we've known this about Google for years, but I believe this is Google's first public confirmation of keyword metatag's irrelevancy.

「続きはウェブで!」の最強キーワードを探せ! その1 - Yahoo!検索 スタッフブログ

by kuroyagi


キーワード調査の強い味方グーグルインサイト登場! でもデータの読み方には注意 (Google Insights) | Web担当者Forum

by kuroyagi


by kuroyagi
"今後弊社が採用する長音表記ルールは、国語審議会の報告を基に告示された1991年の内閣告示第二号をベースにしたものです。このルールでは、英語由来のカタカナ用語において、言語の末尾が–er、-or、-ar などで終わる場合に長音表記を付けることを推奨しています。"

Keyword Research

by manmac00
Platinum keywords is a good windows tool to find what people are searching for on the net, what are the most popular keywords used on the search engines

Google AdWords: Keyword Tool

by julie & 28 others
Keyword Tool Use the Keyword Tool to get new keyword ideas. Select an option below to enter a few descriptive words or phrases, or type in your website's URL. Keyword Tool Tips


Moteur de recherche : comment générer votre liste de mots clés illustré en 3 images

by Environnement
Définir les mots clefs (keywords) est une étape essentielle d'une stratégie de positionnement dans les moteurs de recherche. Voici en 3 graphiques, simples et clairs, la méthodologie pour construire votre listing de mots.

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