public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag journalism

November 2006

Newest Webcams

by jlesage & 12 others
random live webcams from the net, a new kind of documentary media, mostly surveillance

Magnum Photos - Essays

by jlesage
audio/slideshows from top photographers, often commenting on their craft

NOVA | Mars | Mars Up Close | PBS

by jlesage
audio/slideshow of what Mars Rover discovers and sees

Back to School with the Class of Web 2.0: Part 3

by jlesage & 1 other
Oct 06, review of software potentially useful to students and teachers; overview useful for folks interested in thinking about Internet and education in new ways

October 2006

Video Journal ::

by jlesage
Colin Mulvany makes audio/slideshows of daily life in Spokane; textured soundscapes and good interpersonal photographic style characterize his work.

Audio slide show: Bluegrass music's man of steel

by jlesage
example of how to incorporate personal history, music, and slides in portrait of dobro player and singer; also shows effectiveness of short, under three minute, audio slide show documentaries.


by jlesage & 2 others
low cost software to create your own simple audio/slideshow for the web

Brenda Ann Kenneally

by jlesage & 1 other
wonderful photo essays with audio documentary narrations

Brenda Ann Keneally: Pictures of my Neighborhood

by jlesage
powerful documentary photographs with audio documentary portraits; life in a poor urban neighborhood

The Media and Communications Studies Site

by jlesage
gateway to media information, including narratology, listed under textual analysis

September 2006

Think Progress

by jlesage & 6 others
left news and reports, well written, has newsletter to send via email daily


by jas9 (via)
Citizenbay is a city centered citizen journalism project that will pay users whose contributions are voted the ten best by readers each day in 60 cities around the US and France.

Lens On Lebanon

by jlesage
"documentary material, photo narratives, and video diaries of daily life conceived, produced, and contributed by residents of Lebanon"

August 2006

Watching America

by jlesage & 1 other
translated news from non-English sites

The Observer | Review | Websites that changed the world

by jlesage & 3 others
has interesting information about founding and use of favorite websites; good classroom handout