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PUBLIC MARKS with tag it

December 2009

WhatTheFont for iPhone: Overview « MyFonts

by oqdbpo
Identify the fonts in a photo or web graphic! Ever seen a great font in a magazine ad, poster, or on the web and wondered what font it is? Whip out your iPhone and snap a photo, and WhatTheFont for iPhone will identify that font in seconds!

November 2009

Remote PC support - Computer Repair, PC Help, Remote IT Support

Get your computer fixed remotely on-line using this great service!

October 2009

August 2009

Galerie d'images : Bons mots et petites saillies des personnalités de l'IT -

by kasi77 (via)
Les patrons de l’IT ne sont pas avares de critiques à l’égard de leurs concurrents, quitte parfois à se montrer excessifs. Ballmer, Ellison, Gates, Jobs… Retrouvez quelques citations des principaux dirigeants du secteur.

June 2009

May 2009

Automating the Generation and Secure Distribution of Excel Reports | ITworld

by brianwaustin (via)
Microsoft Excel is one of the most commonly used tools for reporting, analysis and "what if" scenarios, with over 250 million users worldwide. This paper will discuss the steps involved in understanding the requirements for an automated solution. It will also introduce a solution for automating the generation and secure distribution of spreadsheet reports.

April 2009

10 historical software bugs with extreme consequences | Royal Pingdom

by kasi77 (via)
One of the latest software errors that had widely noticed consequences was Google’s Gmail outage in February. The problem in that case was, according to Google, a bug in the software that distributed load between its different data centers. The Gmail outage only resulted in people not having access to their email for a few hours. No one got killed. Nothing exploded. It was an inconvenience, and while it was a significant inconvenience for some of Gmail’s users, it was still just that: an inconvenience. This article is about some of the more dire consequences of software errors through the years. Incidents that make the Gmail outage seem rather trivial.

March 2009

Agile development is more culture than process and why thinking of agile as culture and not just process explains resistance and difficulty in teaching and learning the approach

by jpcaruana
Why thinking of agile as culture and not just process explains resistance and difficulty in teaching and learning the approach

Enabling HTTP Compression in IIS 6.0

by brianwaustin (via)
HTTP Compression is a wonderful technology that accomplishes a lot of different things. It allows faster page serving to clients and lower server costs due to lowered bandwidth (these two being enough for me to implement). There are a handful of articles out there that explain how to implement HTTP Compression in Internet Information Server (IIS) 6.0, but I haven’t been able to find a nice step-by-step article, so I decided to set one up. In this how-to, I’ll briefly explain what HTTP Compression is and how it works in IIS 6.0, and then provide step-by-step instructions on how to implement it because it’s not as simple as flipping a switch. In fact, there are many things in multiple places on the server you have to properly configure to implement HTTP Compression.

January 2009

Crise du secteur IT : le baromètre des licenciements

by kasi77
Le secteur IT subit de plein fouet la crise économique. Les licenciements se multiplient sur tous les segments du marché. dresse, jour après jour, le tableau des sociétés en difficulté.

December 2008

October 2008

50 Beautifully Dark Web Designs - Six Revisions

by oqdbpo
Selecting colors for a site is one of the most crucial parts of web design. The color palette can evoke certain types of emotions in a user and sets the tone for the user’s experience while perusing the site. Websites with dark colors can represent "non-mainstream", "elite", and "unconventional". The use of dark backgrounds also centers the attention towards the content, making it an effective theme for portfolios, image galleries, and design-centered sites. In this collection, you’ll find some of the best dark-themed web designs. This is the second part of the "Beautiful Web Designs" series that starts off at "30 Beautifully Blue Web Designs".

Instrumentation: Powerful Instrumentation Options in .NET Let You Build Manageable Apps with Confidence

by brianwaustin (via)
Instrumentation allows you to determine the running state of a system once it has been deployed. This is crucially important today since the people supporting systems are unlikely to be the same people who developed them. Like good error handling, instrumentation is best done at development time. A sound instrumentation policy must be established at the beginning of the development process to determine what should be instrumented, why, where, and how.

September 2008

Desktop Fireworks – today and tomorrow

by oqdbpo
I’ve been following the development of FLARToolKit for some time now and it’s getting more interesting day by day. What it is? FLARToolKit is a Flash Actionscript port of ARToolKit, a software library for building Augmented Reality applications. Huh? Maybe you’ve seen some really cool Augmented Reality videos before. The FLARToolKit will bring all of this to your webbrowser when you have a webcam and a recent Flash Player.

Download Reporting Services Scripter

by brianwaustin (via)
Reporting Services Scripter is a .NET Windows Forms application that enables scripting and transfer of all Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services catalog items to aid in transferring them from one server to another. It can also be used to easily move items on mass from one Reporting Services folder to another on the same server. Depending on the scripting options chosen, Reporting Services Scripter can also transfer all catalog item properties such as Descriptions, History options, Execution options (including report specific and shared schedules), Subscriptions (normal and data driven) and server side report parameters.

August 2008

Digital Face Beautification

by oqdbpo & 3 others
This sketch presents a novel method for digital face beautification: given a frontal photograph of a face (a portrait), our method automatically increases the predicted attractiveness rating of the face. The main challenge is to achieve this goal while introducing only minute, subtle modifications to the original image, such that the resulting “beautified” face maintains a strong, unmistakable similarity to the original, as demonstrated by the pair of faces shown in Figure 1. The effectiveness of the proposed method was experimentally validated by a group of test subjects who consistently rated the modified faces as more attractive than the original ones. Professional photographers have been retouching and deblemishing their subjects ever since the invention of photography. It may be safely assumed that any model that we encounter on a magazine cover today has been digitally manipulated by a skilled, talented retouching artist. Since the human face is arguably the most frequently photographed object on earth, a tool such as ours would be a useful and welcome addition to the ever-growing arsenal of image enhancement and retouching tools available in today’s digital image editing packages. The potential of such a tool for motion picture special effects and advertising is also quite obvious.

Top 10 Creative Ways To Display Time | Events, Monday Inspiration | Smashing Magazine

by oqdbpo & 1 other
Clocks don’t have to be boring. Of course, clocks need need to remain usable and display current time; however, they can do it in a number of creative ways. You are about to see some of the most creative examples out there. Take some time and enjoy. | study | tcpdump recipes

by brianwaustin (via)
Tcpdump is the premier network analysis tool for information security and networking enthusiasts and/or professionals. In my own primer I cover tcpdump basics; if you're interested in becoming familiar with the application via an introduction, I suggest you check it out first. Here I'm simply going to give a number of recipes that you're likely to find useful during your day to day activities. They will range from common, general captures to complex filters designed to look for a number of unique traffic types.

Test your web design in different browsers - Browsershots

by oqdbpo & 161 others, 1 comment
Browsershots makes screenshots of your web design in different browsers. It is a free open-source online service created by Johann C. Rocholl. When you submit your web address, it will be added to the job queue. A number of distributed computers will open your website in their browser. Then they will make screenshots and upload them to the central server here.

Papers by Joan Taber

by 4004 "this nice lady translates rare dino buzzati stories."

July 2008

20 most useful career sites for IT professionals - Network World

by brianwaustin
20 most useful career sites for IT professionals

The Web with a touch of Style - Keio SFC

by oqdbpo & 2 others
This is part of a lecture given at SFC Keio University - ( 慶応義塾大学) in June 2008 (The class had been given the first time in June 2007). The lecture covers a few topics such as Web architecture, XML technologies, etc. It is incomplete, but if you have suggestions for improving the content, please send me an email [email protected].