public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag it

06 May 2007

03 May 2007

ITtoolbox Blogs

by springnet
What is ITtoolbox? A community where peers share knowledge about information technology.

01 May 2007

29 April 2007

Alfresco Products

by springnet
Alfresco is the leading open source alternative for enterprise content management.

The rise of Alfresco: ECM that people will really use - LinuxWorld

by springnet
Alfresco is an enterprise content management system that, according to some users, is beating legacy content management systems in speed, quality and ease of use.

How IT Is Reinventing Itself as a Strategic Business Partner

by springnet
What businesses need and IT should be providing are innovative solutions to business challenges.

Opensource makes you Responsible | confused of calcutta

by springnet
So become responsible. Use opensource. Not just as a tool or an enabler, but as a mindset.

Slow Leadership: Why Pick on IT?

by springnet
ISR, the US employee research firm, has published data that suggests people working in IT have a worse time than other professionals when it comes to long hours and overwork

Failed IT Projects (The Human Factor)

by springnet
Despite the enormous advances in the IT industry, there are still many failed IT projects. Several factors contribute to the failure of IT software development projects

Strider & Cline: Managers and the Helpitis Malady

by springnet
While there are lots of behaviors that foretell project trouble, five that can make it difficult for you to manage day-to-day problems and opportunities effectivel. project work can fall through the cracks if these behaviors are allowed to persist.

28 April 2007

27 April 2007

25 April 2007

15 April 2007

ITtoolbox - Professional IT Community

by jdrsantos & 2 others
A community where peers share knowledge about information technology.

12 April 2007


by jdrsantos
EduKnoppix è una distribuzione GNU/Linux basata su Knoppix, rivolta principalmente a studenti ed insegnanti, che permette di familiarizzare con il sistema operativo GNU/Linux e con i suoi applicativi educational. EduKnoppix è una distribuzione live, ci

10 April 2007

TEL-ME-MOR - Welcome

by fszekeu2
A projekt 2005 február 1-én indult, melynek fõ célja, hogy az EU Új Tagállamai szervezeteinek részvételét elõsegítse az IST tevékenységek területén finanszírozott projektekben.

09 April 2007

MacGyver Tip: Turn a CD spindle into a TP dispenser - Lifehacker

by plasticdreams

08 April 2007

07 April 2007 - Solutions for your computer problems

by jdrsantos
This is an archive of newsgroups and mail lists focusing on fresh information technology topics.

Shake It Up Şekerim

by xfreex (via)
Shake It Up Şekerim Shake It Up Şekerim Shake It Up Şekerim

03 April 2007