public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag iso

June 2006

May 2006

April 2006

Internet-Draft : A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) - draft-goodwin-iso-urn-00 - J. Goodwin, ISO - April 12, 2006 - Expires: October 14, 2006

by digitalmonkey
"This URN NID is intended for use for the identification of persistent resources published by the ISO standards body (including documents, document metadata, extracted resources such as standard schemata and standard value sets, and ..."

March 2006

February 2006

ISO 17799 and BS7799 Online Guide - The ISO17799 Guide

by xenomorph
This site is a public 'open' initiative, known as a 'wiki', and is designed to document ISO17799 and BS7799, inclusive of implementation and certification issues. It is a public access site, meaning that YOU can contribute and assist. You are free and able to improve existing pages, and create additional pages (see QwikiSyntax for details on how to do this). We hope that together we can create the definitive guide to the standards.

January 2006

December 2005

[EN] RELAX NG home page

by sdaclin & 3 others
Site du langage de description relaxNG pour le XML (standard ISO)

November 2005

October 2005

September 2005

June 2005

February 2005

How to: Slipstream your XP installation ■ Maximum PC

by wyliej
Add RAID drivers and Service Pack 2 to your original Windows CD!