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PUBLIC MARKS with tags interface & documentation

September 2008


by camel
Nimbus provides a free, open source infrastructure for remote deployment and management of virtual machines, allowing you to: * Create compute clouds (make your own EC2 style service). For examples, see the science clouds page. * Deploy "one-click" auto-configuring virtual clusters (see the cloud clusters page). They adapt on the fly into new network and security contexts so you can set them up once and run them over and over again, even across different clouds. * Serve clients that are compatible with the Amazon EC2 service, see What is the EC2 frontend? * Integrate VMs on a set of resources already configured to manage jobs (i.e., already using a batch scheduler like PBS). See What is the Workspace Pilot? * Interface to Amazon EC2 resources, see What is the EC2 backend? * Easily experiment with new remote protocols and backends, see What is the RM API?

November 2007

Page Python d'Olivier Berger

by Emaux
Python est un langage de programmation simple, donc facile à apprendre, et extrêmement puissant. J'ai réalisé cette page afin de regrouper un certain nombre de pointeurs vers des sources d'information en français sur ce superbe langage. On trouvera notamment ici le package contenant la traduction du Tutoriel du langage issu de la documentation de la distribution officielle. 2. Espaces de discussion francophones sur Python 3. Ressources Python sur le WEB en français

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last mark : 26/09/2008 15:18

last mark : 25/09/2008 22:36

last mark : 11/06/2008 07:29