public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag innovation

June 2005

Bipolar Innovation

by imran
What happens when the Wikipedia approach outpaces the Britannica model of in-house R&D?

Thinking Faster

by kalooni & 3 others
Ideas, tools and processes to improve personal, workgroup and enterprise productivity and innovation

May 2005

by imran
Innovation On-Demand

Nivi : Greasemonkey will blow up business models (as well as your mind)

by Cyclope & 8 others (via)
An article about Greasemonkey, with a critical point of view; the author talks about potential law issue and innovation perspectives.

TED Program

by owukori
Technology Entertainment Design


by imran
Wanadoo's student innovation network

Le : Pourquoi la France est incapable de créer un Microsoft

by Xavier (via)
Pas de "Small Business Act", des politiques de financement (marché boursier) incomplètes, pas de représentation "politique", éducation conformiste ...


by bistoule (via)
Systeme d'information en biologie santé et développement économique. Pole d'activité

OSÉO anvar - L'Agence française de l'innovation

by bistoule (via)
L'agence francaise de l'innovation soutient les createurs d'entreprises innovantes

April 2005

Business papers by Dave Pollard

by SeiShonagon & 1 other (via)
more than 100 business papers about : · Social Networking · Blogs in Business · Knowledge Management · Innovation · Entrepreneurship · Natural Enterprise · Aids for K-Workers

Business papers by Dave Pollard

by globeing & 1 other (via)
more than 100 business papers about : · Social Networking · Blogs in Business · Knowledge Management · Innovation · Entrepreneurship · Natural Enterprise · Aids for K-Workers

Triple Pundit

by nickaster
Triple Pundit is a maven of news on how business can work for a better world. 3p takes a triple bottom line aproach - People, Planet, Profit

March 2005