public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags indie & hiphop


The FADER | Magazine Website | Music News, Mp3's, Podcast for each issue

by garret & 1 other
"The FADER, or FADER, is an United States-based music/culture/fashion magazine that covers hip-hop, reggae, independent rock, pop and dance music from around the world. Founded by Rob Stone and Jon Cohen in 1998, The FADER is a freestanding, independent New York City-based magazine." Wikipedia


AccuRadio - Internet radio - 320 channels organized by genre

by garret
The best thing about AccuRadio is an abundance of channels and sub genre channels to explore. Sound quality has recently improved making Accuradio is a great way to discover new artists. Artist information displays in Accuradio's pop-up player, which also allows songs to be skipped.


Cognac Jay - Podcast

by vodkacoca
Cognac jay is a podcast dedicated to the love of pop music in general. we will randomly publish a new mp3 mix (20 minutes approximatively). we mix indie rock, electro, hip-hop, shoegaze, post-rock and popular music in general.

18th Dour Festival | 13-16 July 06

by vodkacoca
Dour, c'est un festival de musique alternative, indépendant, à prix démocratique, et basé avant tout sur la découverte, la tolérance et le plaisir de la fête. Six scènes sont réparties sur le site, aux sonorités et aspects propres à chacune d'entre-elles. Celles-ci s'animent chaque matin dès 11h, jusqu'à 5 heures à l'aube.

Differ-ant Distribution

by vodkacoca & 1 other
Differ-ant music for different people


Active users

last mark : 02/09/2009 06:57

last mark : 19/07/2006 11:11

last mark : 10/11/2005 08:35