public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags image & logiciel

March 2007 - Software

by nhoizey (via)
The GeoTagging Automator Action automatically tags your images with geographical coordinates and elevation data from a GPS track file. It supports a great range of image formats, including many raw image formats like Canon CR2, Nikon NEF and Adobe DNG.

February 2007

Contrer le piratage d’images : un logiciel précis et rapide

by parmentierf
Ce dossier décrit deux composantes d'un système informatique destiné à permettre aux agences de photographies d'établir si une image publiée par un tiers appartient ou non à leur fonds, et cela afin de vérifier automatiquement s'il y a ou non violation du droit d'auteur.

Sunflow - Global Illumination Rendering System

by -Nicolas-
Sunflow is an open source rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis. It is written in Java and built around a flexible ray tracing core and an extensible object-oriented design.

Burr Oak Software

by nhoizey
Are you a stock photographer? A blogger? A student? Or just someone with lots of images that they want to manage and share. If so, PictoDrop is the tool you need to manage, version, postprocess and share your digital images.

January 2007

Manuel Gimp 2.2

by marcjo & 1 other
GNU Image Manipulation Program

December 2006 - Première Communauté de Crystallizeurs

by LuciferX & 2 others
Ce site magnifique regroupe d'excellents tutos pour faire des creations d'images, il vous propose de skiner windows, de decouvrir le monde des tux et bien d'autres choses.


by Elryk & 6 others
Logiciel de retouche d'image gratuit à l'ergonomie bluffante. Fonctionnalités : gestion des calques, quelques filtres de base, ajustement des couleurs, historique ...

November 2006

url2jpeg beta

by nhoizey & 1 other
With url2jpeg capture web pages, any size. Save it in a bitmap file or copy it in the clipboard.

October 2006

TOOLinux - Open Studio de Talend : gratuit et libre

by yogilou
Open Studio de Talend : gratuit et libre ** L'éditeur Talend annonce la disponibilité en téléchargement - gratuit ! - de la première version finale de son outil Open Studio, "open" pour OpenSource.

September 2006

Black Bird | Progetti » EasyDMG

by nhoizey
Plus besoin de longs discours pour expliquer comment créer une image disque dans Mac OS X 10.4 (qui a modifié le comportement d'utilitaire Disques, en rendant cette opération complexe). Déposez un dossier sur l'icône de EasyDMG et c'est fait! Un grand merci à Michele Ferretti!

August 2006

Xee 1.2.1 - MacUpdate

by loicbr (via)
Xee is a lightweight, fast and convenient image viewer and browser. It is designed to be a serious tool for image viewing and management, with a sleek and powerful interface.


by nhoizey
PicturePopPro (nommé PicturePop à l'origine) est né en 2001. Il fut l'un des 1er plugin de menu contextuels pour MacOS X, et le 1er plugin visionneur d'image sur MacOS X. PicturePopPro est conçu pour fonctionner sur tous les macs PowerPC y compris sur les configurations peu puissantes, de 10.3.9 à 10.4.x.. Depuis Tiger, Apple propose aussi un menu contextuel reprenant quelques fonctionalités mais.. testez PPP2 et comparez..

July 2006


by nhoizey
Small faceless background application program to take screenshot quickly and easily and save it as a various image format file or clipping file on the Desktop (or copy it to Clipboard)


by nhoizey & 17 others, 1 comment
Paparazzi! is a small utility for Mac OS X that makes screenshots of webpages.

WinSnap - makes screenshots better - NTWind Software

by nhoizey & 3 others (via)
WinSnap is a small enhancement utility for taking and editing screenshots. It can easily capture windows of non-rectangular form with the background of your choice, automatically perform simple canvas transformations and coloring effects, add professional smoothing shadows in Photoshop style and more. Also, WinSnap supports variety of image formats and provides advanced auto-save features.

The KOffice Project - Krita

by fredbird (via)
Krita is a painting and image editing application for KOffice. Krita is part of KOffice since version 1.4. Krita contains both ease-of-use and fun features like guided painting (never before has it been so easy to airbrush a straight line!) and high-end features like support for 16 bit images, CMYK, L*a*b and even OpenEXR HDR images.

June 2006


by fredbird & 2 others
Image cropping and resizing made easy. iZoom is a simple application designed to allow you to easily resize and crop your photos for optimized display on your iPod photo, on the web, or in email messages to friends. iZoom is very useful for creating web photo galleries, forum-user avatars, and image thumbnails, or resizing your photos for perfect viewing on your iPod photo screen. Drag photos from your filesystem or directly from iPhoto to the iZoom canvas!

Image Tricks — reveal the hidden power of your images

by fredbird & 1 other
Image Tricks is a free application to edit and generate images. It uses Mac OS X Tiger Core Image filters that transform pictures to unimaginable extent and apply advanced visual effects. The program can create unique artwork you may use as business card background, for web design, print materials and more.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag image

aia +   annecy +   arnaud +   blacksoap +   business +   commando +   correction +   dans +   disk +   escape +   français +   geneve +   intelligence +   laussanne +   mozilla +   neuchatel +   nvu +   onglet +   par +   prism +   record +   urgence +   velten +   version +   windows +