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August 2006

用Simp Lite为MSN Messenger通信安全保驾护航!

by jackiege
MSN Messenger及Windows Messenger都是采用明文传输通信内容,在公司内部网随便用个MSN嗅探工具或在网关处加一道监控的设备,所有的聊天记录便一览无遗

July 2006


by jackiege & 1 other
allows you to create one or more personal or business feeds

June 2006

by jackiege & 1 other (via)
Web-based version of MSN Messenger. The advantage is that you can continue to use MSN Messenger at work or college (where IM messengers might be blocked)


by jackiege & 13 others (via)
Similar to Meebo, but chat client opens in a new browser window. Pretty good. There's also a mobile version for your phone.

by jackiege & 4 others, 2 comments (via)


by jackiege & 10 others
Via Mashable*Chatsum is a browser extension that lets you chat with other users who are looking at the same site as you. You can also leave messages for others.

Itzle - Hive 7 Meets Chatsum - Mashable*

by jackiege
And if the major marketing channels for social applications are through blog widgets and MySpace pages, then these browser add-ins will have a tough time gaining visibility. These tools only become useful (and profitable) if they can achieve critical mass - I think that’s going to be an uphill struggle.


by jackiege & 2 others
To group surf with friends, meet people who visit your favorite websites, and make the internet a far more interesting place.

ChatCreator - 國生三年才開始

by jackiege
ChatCreator 后面留言还补充了其他两个类似网站Gabbly、Bitty

May 2006


by slogoo & 10 others
在你的浏览器上加载一个对话框, 让你可以跟正在访问同一个网站的ChatSum的用户聊天交流.

Oyogi| Welcome

by slogoo
允许某个群组进行: 1. 运用基于web的即时通讯工具, 在成员间就某一话题进行实时协作 2. 问题的互问互答. 3. 对 1和2中的内容进行存储并可进行搜索.

by slogoo & 27 others
e-messenger推出了基于Ajax的一项应用, 推出之后, emessenger看上去更像我们平常使用的IM的客户端(其实是纯web的), 虽然我们只要对Meebo的页面进行大小调节就能得到同样的视觉效果.


by slogoo & 13 others
整合了ICQ,MSN, AIM, 和Yahoo, Jabber等多种即时通讯软件. 也可以下载一个客户端到手机, 聊天比SMS短信更便宜更方便.

3bubbles - Embracing Conversational Intelligence

by slogoo & 9 others
3bubbles通过在blog或其他网站植入一段代码, blog页面将会出现一个链接, 点击此链接即可弹出一个对话框(在线即时通讯), 所有正在访问此blog或正在阅读某一篇文章的访客即可进行交流和讨论. 3bubbl - Chat pour votre blog ou votre site ! simple et rapide

by slogoo & 1 other
Wakoo来自于巴黎, 提供无客户端的Web聊天工具, 可以用于blog&其他网站. 同类产品有Mobber, 3bubbles和 Gabbly. 该类产品的前景尚未知. 但竞争已经异常激烈. Wakoo是个法语站点, 故不会对美国市场产生威