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PUBLIC MARKS with tags ideas & programming


Temporal difference learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by ogrisel (via)
Temporal difference learning is a prediction method. It has been mostly used for solving the reinforcement learning problem. "TD learning is a combination of Monte Carlo ideas and dynamic programming (DP) ideas." [2] TD resembles a Monte Carlo method because it learns by sampling the environment according to some policy. TD is related to dynamic programming techniques because it approximates its current estimate based on previously learned estimates (a process known as bootstrapping). The TD learning algorithm is related to the Temporal difference model of animal learning.


OPML Sampling: Build a Page Showing the “Best” Item From Each RSS Feed-- The Glass is Too Big - J Wynia

by sunny & 3 others
Script qui prends ton opml de fils rss et qui te fais une liste des meilleurs articles d'après leur nombre de liens qui pointent vers eux. Pfiou.


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