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PUBLIC MARKS with tag ide

October 2005


by hausmeister & 38 others (via)
RadRails is an integrated development environment for the Ruby on Rails framework. The goal of this project is to enhance the rails development experience. RadRails seeks to make life simpler by providing rails developers with a single point to manage multiple projects, take advantage of source control and deploy their applications.


by Riduidel & 38 others
RadRails is an integrated development environment for the Ruby on Rails framework. The goal of this project is to enhance the rails development experience. RadRails seeks to make life simpler by providing rails developers with a single point to manage multiple projects, take advantage of source control and deploy their applications.

September 2005

Maguma Open Studio

by rmaltete & 2 others (via)
environnement de développement PHP


by rmaltete & 1 other
environnement de développement PHP et python Maguma GmbH - Have Fun Programming!

August 2005

xored software - TruStudio - PHP IDE and Python IDE built on Eclipse

by nhoizey & 2 others
TruStudio is an Integrated Development Environment built on top of Eclipse Platform


by kalooni
Site web ic#chode, mettant à disposition un IDE de développement en GNU pour C#.

July 2005

June 2005

NVU 1.0 est sorti ! - Standblog - Tristan Nitot sur les standards du W3C, les navigateurs et l'accessibilité

by nhoizey (via)
Daniel doit être dans un drôle d'état : son projet, qu'il porte à bout de bras depuis une éternité, est maintenant disponible en version finale

Microsoft Visual C# Tutorials - FunctionX

by jmwatte
how to work with Csharp in the IDE - xulmaker: index

by nhoizey & 1 other (via)
XULMaker is a visual XUL application builder. A XULMaker user is a XUL application developer. A XULMaker user visually and interactively creates and edits a XUL document representing a XUL application by visually interacting with both an XML DOM (Document Object Model) and an XML text representation of the XUL document.

Python IDE 测评

by 13121982
David Mertz 介绍了 6 种 Python 集成开发环境,并比较了其特性、平台和稳定性。他发现——或许只是无意中对开放源代码模块的测试 -- 免费产品似乎都比商业产品优秀。

May 2005

Eclipse Corner

by timmy
still undecided on using this

April 2005

February 2005

November 2004

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag ide

Cappuccino +   cocoa +   javascript +   objective-j +   webdesign +   webtools +