public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag ide

August 2007

Using PDT : Installation : Installing the Zend Debugger - PDTWiki

by holyver & 1 other
Zend Debugger is a full-featured php debugger engine, an interactive tool that helps you debug PHP scripts. It works with a production and/or development web server and allows you to debug your scripts locally or remotely, from an IDE or the console. To get the debugger to work you need to install the debugger engine to run in the PHP interpreter (server part), and configure the debugger client to communicate with the engine.

July 2007

Aptana: Download Aptana IDE with iPhone Development Plugin

by nhoizey
The Aptana IDE iPhone Development Plugin (beta) enables the Aptana IDE to increase your iPhone development productivity.

Aptana: The Web IDE

by jdrsantos & 2 others
The Aptana IDE is a free, open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript-focused development environment for building Ajax applications. It features code assist on JavaScript, HTML, and CSS languages, FTP/SFTP support and a JavaScript debugger to troubleshoot yo

June 2007

Aptana: Download

by eledo34 & 5 others
The Web IDE Aptana is a robust, JavaScript-focused IDE for building dynamic web applications.

The Eric Python IDE

by jdrsantos
Eric is a full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE, written in python. It is based on the cross platform Qt gui toolkit, integrating the highly flexible Scintilla editor control. It is designed to be usable as everdays' quick and dirty editor as well

May 2007


by jdrsantos & 7 others
PyDev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python and Jython development -- making Eclipse a first class Python IDE -- It comes with many goodies such as code completion, syntax highlighting, syntax analysis, refactor, debug and many others. - BitLeaf

by jdrsantos
The new BitLeaf is a Developer Editor. It is a tool that provides the basic InterDev/MS Visual Studio functionality on any wxPython platform. BitLeaf is built using wxPython (a.k.a. the slikest language/gui toolkit ever!). That also means that BitLeaf run


by roulian & 1 other
richhtml4eclipse is a widget for WYSIWYG HTML-Editing, that can be integrated into a eclipse-environment. It’s an adaption of a web-based HTML-Editor that is fully based on DOM. There are different possibilities to add listeners to keep on track of the user-input, selection, etc. There is also a support to toggle the different selections based on the current cursor or selection. » Installer Aptana Radrails IDE - Ubuntu Feisty Fawn

by parmentierf & 1 other
N’utilisant plus eclipse que pour RubyOnRails, j’ai décider d’abandonner la version principale d’Eclipse et d’installer la version Standalone de l’IDE Aptana. Voici comment faire pour accomplir proprement cette installation sous Ubuntu Feisty Fawn.

April 2007

Panic - Coda - One-Window Web Development for Mac OS X

by Xavier Lacot & 18 others
Text editor + Transmit + CSS editor + Terminal + Books + More = Whoah