public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag ical

December 2006

Spanning Sync

by ycc2106 & 5 others
Service that keeps your Apple iCal calendars in sync with Google Calendar.<br>

iCal Weather

by ycc2106
Subscribe to an up-to-the-minute weather report for your town -- directly from iCal!<br>Using the link below, just enter your zip code, choose your weather preferences, click 'Subscribe', and your personalized weather report will be added to iCal.<br>

iCalPublish - Combine multiple iCal calendars

by ycc2106
Combine multiple iCal calendars and publish them to your .Mac account or a WebDAV server.<br>

Mark/Space Products - Mac OS X Sync Solutions for Palm OS, Windows Mobile, Pocket PC, Smartphone, Sony PSP, Sidekick & hiptop

by springnet
The best handheld and smartphone synchronization software available for the Mac. for Palm OS for Palm OS devices including Palm/palmOne, Sony, Garmin, Samsung, Tapwave and Fossil for Windows Mobile for Windows Mobile Pocket PC and Smartphone devices in

November 2006

Spanning Sync

by mauriz & 5 others
iCal, meet Google Calendar

October 2006

Calgoo | Making the Google Calendar experience better!

by jean-gael & 8 others
Calgoo | Making the Google Calendar experience better!

September 2006

How To: Add a new iCal event from Quicksilver - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)

by kasi77
A while ago we covered Quicksilver plugins for Gmail and Google Calendar, allowing you to send an email or create a new event (respectively) right from within Quicksilver's interface.

iCal Exchange

by rmaltete & 12 others
iCal publish service

TNPI - Do it Yourself .mac

by nhoizey
Many of the reasons I do not find .mac useful are the same reasons I encourage others to use it. My needs are different than the average computer user. This is not an "I hate .mac" article but rather an explanation of the motivation and methods I used to provide myself with comparable services that are more usable for me. I publish it so that others may benefit from what I have learned.

August 2006

Quand votre agenda vous suit partout...

by dfracheb
Le calendier en ligne est tellement intuitif et simple d’utilisation qu’on dirait presque qu’il a été pensé pour Mac. La seule condition pour pouvoir l’utiliser est de disposer d’un compte Google.

July 2006