public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag hotlinked

February 2006

December 2005

pearworks: pearLyrics

by mbertier
if I have bought an album, am I allowed to save and view lyrics of that album on my computer? I mean, I surely can hear the words, but am I allowed to read them?

November 2005

Tab Sidebar

by François Hodierne & 1 other (via)
Finally ... So bad thumbnails are ugly.

Folksonomy Definition and Wikipedia

by François Hodierne & 1 other (via)
> Today, having seen an new academic endeavor related to folksonomy quoting the Wikipedia entry on folksonomy and I realize the definition of Folksonomy has become completely unglued from anything I recognize

October 2005

A RESTful Web service, an example : Paul James

by François Hodierne & 2 others (via)
"Delicious has a simple REST API, or rather, a simple POX over HTTP API, that is, it has a perfectly usable HTTP and XML based API for accessing your bookmarks and tags, but it isn't very RESTful. Why not?"

Google Base

by François Hodierne & 4 others
what the fuck is this !

Yet Another RSS History

by François Hodierne & 1 other
Great conclusion. "There was no RSS. No syndication wars. No-one had to deal with doubly-escaped content and silent data loss. There was no need for any new format for business cards, calendars, blogs, link lists, reviews, pet profiles."

Project Manager Leaves Suicide PowerPoint Presentation | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

by mbertier & 2 others (via)
The two-column text display was enlivened by colorful background wallpaper and clip-art question marks depicting Ron's confusion over his choice.