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PUBLIC MARKS with tags guide & web

January 2007

Web 2.0 how-to design style guide

by parmentierf & 62 others (via)
In this tutorial, I describe various common graphic design elements in modern web ("2.0") design style. I then attempt to explain why they work (i.e. why they have become common), as well as how, when and where you might use each element in your designs.

December 2006

A Guide to CSS Support in Email

by jlemoine & 27 others
Le problème : les webmails gèrent de manière différente le code et nos newsleter ne s'affichent pas de manière optimale. D'où la pertinence de ce post qui indique quel mail supporte quel code !

Guides des sources d'information du CNDP

by shadoko
Ce guide de ressources s'adresse plus particulièrement aux élèves des classes de première appartenant aux trois séries (L - ES - S) qui s'engageront dans la démarche des TPE. Il reste néanmoins utile à toute personne en situation de recherche d'informations. Il contient une sélection de sources d'informations décrites et commentées ainsi que des conseils méthodologiques. Les documents cités sont pour la plupart disponibles en consultation dans des lieux de lecture publics (bibliothèques municipales) ou au CDI.

November 2006

Amberjack: Site Tour Creator - Simple. Free. Open Source.

by parmentierf & 28 others (via)
Amberjack is a lightweight Open Source library, enabling webmasters to create cool site tours. Création de visites guidées de sites web.

October 2006

Using prototype.js v1.4.0

by parmentierf & 55 others (via)
n case you haven't already used it, prototype.js is a JavaScript library written by Sam Stephenson. This amazingly well thought and well written piece of standards-compliant code takes a lot of the burden associated with creating rich, highly interactive web pages that characterize the Web 2.0 off your back. If you tried to use this library recently, you probably noticed that documentation is not one of its strongest points. As many other developers before me, I got my head around prototype.js by reading the source code and experimenting with it. I thought it would be nice to take notes while I learned and share with everybody else. I'm also offering an un-official reference for the objects, classes, functions, and extensions provided by this library.

September 2006

August 2006

NEO Binaries: The definitive guide to newest and the most popular web2.0 applications. Listings, reviews, news, articles and web 2.0 community

by maxjhuang & 12 others
NEO Binaries is your definitive online resource for web based applications. A web2.0 community powered by users, industry experts, application creators and our team; designed to help you decide the perfect web based application for your wide ranging requirements.

July 2006

June 2006

mapguide: MapGuide Open Source

by stan & 1 other
MapGuide Open Source is a web-based platform that enables users to quickly develop and deploy web mapping applications and geospatial web services. MapGuide features an interactive viewer that includes support for feature selection, property inspection, map tips, and operations such as buffer, select within, and measure. MapGuide includes an XML database for managing content, and supports most popular geospatial file formats, databases, and standards. MapGuide can be deployed on Linux or Windows, supports Apache and IIS web servers, and offers extensive PHP, .NET, Java, and JavaScript APIs for application development. MapGuide Open Source is licensed under the LGPL.

by mars565
A guide to the Christian web.

May 2006

April 2006


by naxosa & 3 others
a publication about web design and standards

March 2006

Web 2.0 AJAX Tutorials

by tagtooga & 2 others
A collection of AJAX tutorials to help you get started.

February 2006