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PUBLIC MARKS with tag groupe:clever-age

09 June 2008


by nhoizey
Des slides expliquant l'utilisation poussée d'APC faite par Facebook

06 June 2008

Describe REST Web services with WSDL 2.0

by nhoizey
A key component of a Web service is a formal description with Web Services Description Language (WSDL). Until recently there was no formal language to describe REpresentational State Transfer (REST) Web services—now there's WSDL 2.0.

04 June 2008

Design Stencils - Yahoo! Design Pattern Library

by nhoizey
Yahoo! Design Stencil Kit version 1.0 is available for OmniGraffle, Visio (XML), Adobe Illustrator (PDF and SVG), and Adobe Photoshop (PNG)

22 May 2008

Performance web » Archive du blog » JSON ?

by nhoizey
Contrairement à une idée reçue assez répandue, l'usage de JSON à la place de XML pour optimiser les performances d'Ajax n'est peut-être pas si pertinent que ça...

20 May 2008

xslt.js version 3.0 released XML XSLT now with jQuery plugin

by nhoizey
xslt.js is a tiny JavaScript library to transform XML with XSL. Essentially, it’s a JavaScript wrapper around the browser’s XSLT API. The version 3.0 now includes a jQuery plugin

17 May 2008

Scalable BLOB Streaming Infrastructure for MySQL

by kasi77 (via)
The Scalable BLOB Streaming infrastructure for MySQL will transform MySQL into a scalable media server capable of streaming pictures, films, MP3 files and other binary and text objects (BLOBs) directly in and out of the database. On this site you will find all information relating to the ongoing activities of this project. The development is led by PrimeBase Technologies,, an open source software company. PrimeBase Technologies, together with the support of MySQL AB, is also the main sponsor of the implementation of this technology.

14 May 2008

Livre Blanc : Frameworks PHP pour l’entreprise

by nhoizey & 2 others
Un livre blanc présentant les frameworks majeurs disponibles pour PHP, en mettant en évidence leurs zones de confort et inconfort

07 May 2008

John Resig - What's Next in jQuery and JavaScript?

by nhoizey
What's happening in jQuery Core, jQuery UI, and the jQuery Project? What upcoming browser features I'm excited about? Some of what's coming in JavaScript 1.9. Some things that should change about Open Web development

Pétition accessibilité numérique dans les services publics []

by nhoizey
Il est nécessaire que l’article 47 de la Loi n°2005-102 du 11 février 2005 pour l’égalité des droits et des chances, la participation et la citoyenneté des personnes handicapées soit appliquée. Signez la pétition !

06 May 2008

Is symfony 1.1 too verbose?

by kasi77 & 3 others
Among the remarks have about symfony 1.1, the most recurring one is the shift of philosophy between the 1.0 and 1.1 syntax. If symfony 1.0 syntax was made to write code fast, I believe it is not the case anymore with symfony 1.1, which is designed primarily for extensibility. The result is that a symfony 1.1 application looks a lot more like a Java program. I tend to agree that Object-Orientation is a good thing because it forces you to organize your code in a modular way. But when object-orientation makes you need to keep a symfony book aside at all times and multiply the number of LOC by two, I think it's a dead end.

05 May 2008

30 April 2008

RDFaiser votre blog, 2ème partie : la pratique | Les petites cases

by nhoizey & 1 other
en quoi RDFa permettait de décrire la structure du message contenu dans une page Web et comment on pourrait facilement générer du RDFa à partir des données structurées dans la base de données de votre CMS

29 April 2008

jQuery Flash Plugin

by nhoizey & 10 others
Inspired by tools like SWFObject, UFO and sIFR, but written line-by-line for jQuery — no other scripts required. Less redundancy (jQuery and sIFR both find elements by css selectors and do browser detection, sIFR and SWFObject both do Flash detection) m

Wheel 2.0: Jason Huck’s Devblog | jQuery Combo Select Redux

by nhoizey
I have automated the process of transforming a normal multiselect input element into a comboselect with the (aptly named) comboselect plugin.

jThrottle Demo/Docs

by nhoizey
jthrottle is a very simple plugin for jquery, designed as a drop-in replacement for $.each(). Performs the loop in chunks, allowing a timeout after portions of the loop, preventing the browser from appearing locked up during your loop.

Questions & réponses sur la fédération du CRU [Comité Réseau des Universités]

by nhoizey
Shibboleth ne remplace pas CAS. Shibboleth et CAS ont deux fonctions différentes : CAS offre le SSO pour les applications déployées dans le périmêtre (ou système d'information) d'un établissement, Shibboleth offre le SSO (et la diffusion d'attribut

Getting profile information rather than just authentication

by nhoizey
CAS is a Web based local single signon. Shibboleth is a cross-university authentication and attribute system that doesn't have its own local signon. In order to use Shibboleth, you have to first have a local system like CAS.

22 April 2008

21 April 2008

Office 2007 ne respecte par le standard OOXML de Microsoft - Actualités -

by kasi77
Les documents au format texte générés par Microsoft Office 2007 ne sont pas conformes au standard Office Open XML (OOXML) de Microsoft, tout juste devenu une norme ISO. C'est le paradoxe relevé par Alex Brown, responsable du groupe de travail OOXML à l'ISO (organisme international de standardisation).

20 April 2008

Collaboration par email vs. collaboration par wiki

by kasi77
Voici une illustration schématique des méthodes de collaboration possibles quand on utilise un wiki et quand on utilise les échanges par mail. La comparaison est intéressante…

16 April 2008

Delphi for PHP

by kasi77 & 3 others (via)
# The only development solution for drag-and-drop visual design for PHP # Build data-driven Web applications with broad database connectivity # Create AJAX-enabled Web 2.0 pages and sites # Everything you need in a PHP development environment including a powerful code editor, debugger, profiler, database tools and much more # Use the VCL for PHP component library with more than 70 visual components to speed development and extend it with your own components # New version! See what's new in Delphi for PHP 2.0

14 April 2008

BPM Tutorial | BPM Research

by nhoizey
The following slides have been presented at a workshop on Business Process Automation, held at the 2004 Americas Conference on Information Systems in New York, NY, on August 5th, 2004.

Services à la Netvibes, PageFlakes: la messe bientôt dite?

by kasi77
Les grands de GYM (Google, Yahoo, Microsoft) ne font pas de grand bruit autour de leur service de pages d'accueil personnelles mais de récentes statistiques ont bien montré qu'il est très difficile aux startups comme notre Netvibes national ou le PageFlakes allemand de se faire une vraie place au soleil même si ils sont partis avant les "grands".

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