public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag grid

July 2006

June 2006

May 2006

April 2006

March 2006

IBM Redbooks | Introduction to Grid Computing

by bcpbcp (via)
In the past several years, grid computing has emerged as a way to harness and take advantage of computing resources across geographies and organizations. In this IBM Redbook, we describe a generalized view of grid computing including concepts, standards, and ways in which grid computing can provide business value to your organization. In a nutshell, grid computing is all about virtualization that enables businesses to take advantage of a variety of IT resources in order to be more responsive to demands of the business and increase availability of applications while reducing both infrastructure and management costs.

January 2006

Muli Koppel's Blog

by dibau_naum_h
Fascinating blog on state-of-the-art Enterprise Software Architecture & general IT & more

December 2005

Web Search for a Planet

by imran & 1 other
The Google Cluster Architecture