public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag google

March 2018

February 2018

January 2018

تثبيت اضافة لمتصفح جوجل كروم لتخطي الكابتشا تلقائيا بدون ان تفعل شئ

by Kingo
تثبيت اضافة لمتصفح جوجل كروم لتخطي الكابتشا تلقائيا بدون ان تفعل شئ

December 2017

Contenus disponibles par abonnement et contenus soumis à un paywall  |  Search  |  Google Developers

by srcmax
Cette page décrit comment utiliser la méthode JSON-LD pour signaler la présence de contenu soumis à un paywall sur votre site, à l'aide de propriétés CreativeWork. Ces données structurées permettent à Google de dissocier de tels contenus de ceux générés via des techniques de dissimulation, qui ne respectent donc pas nos consignes. En savoir plus sur les contenus disponibles par abonnement et soumis à un paywall.

November 2017

October 2017

GitHub - aofdev/vue-pwa-speech: A Vue Performs synchronous speech recognition Speech to text Google Cloud Speech With Progressive Web App

by Krome
A Vue Performs synchronous speech recognition Speech to text Google Cloud Speech With Progressive Web App

September 2017

August 2017

July 2017

Blocks - Create 3D models in VR - Google VR

by Krome
Create beautiful 3D models in no time

May 2017

April 2017

Google image et trafic

by referencement-lyon
Google Image a changé son fonctionnement et c'est visible sur Google Analytics

March 2017

GitHub - google/guetzli: Perceptual JPEG encoder

by srcmax
Guetzli is a JPEG encoder that aims for excellent compression density at high visual quality. Guetzli-generated images are typically 20-30% smaller than images of equivalent quality generated by libjpeg. Guetzli generates only sequential (nonprogressive) JPEGs due to faster decompression speeds they offer.

reCAPTCHA: Easy on Humans, Hard on Bots

by srcmax
Since the launch of No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA, millions of internet users have been able to attest they are human with just a single click. Now we're taking it a step further and making it invisible. Human users will be let through without seeing the "I'm not a robot" checkbox, while suspicious ones and bots still have to solve the challenges. We’re excited about this and hope you will give it a try!