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PUBLIC MARKS with tags google & web

September 2010

August 2010

June 2010

May 2010

Search for 'Web development' on the featured items of Google Chrome extension gallery.

by ghis
Complement Google Chrome’s developer tools with extensions, to make web development faster and more efficient. Edit HTML, test your pages on various screen resolutions, improve the performance of your apps and more -- all directly from the browser.

Google Font Directory

by ghis & 15 others (via)
The Google Font Directory lets you browse all the fonts available via the Google Font API. All fonts in the directory are available for use on your website under an open source license and served by Google servers.

Google Font API - Google Code

by oqdbpo
The Google Font Directory provides high-quality web fonts that you can include in your pages using the Google Font API.

Let's make the web faster - Google Code

by balluche
Initiative de Google pour que le web soit optimisé et plus rapide.

32 Google Chrome Extensions For Smart Designers | Graphic and Web Design Blog

by ghis (via)
Google chrome is a relatively new web browser but it has already gained huge popularity with its great speed and features. Web developers must work more faster and more productively – what could help more than these extensions aimed to ease your daily development process and save time.

Web Application Exploits and Defenses

by parmentierf & 2 others (via)
# Learn how hackers find security vulnerabilities! # Learn how hackers exploit web applications! # Learn how to stop them!

April 2010

Google I/O 2010

by holyver
Join us for two days of deep technical content featuring Android, Google Chrome, Google APIs, GWT, App Engine, open web technologies, and more. Google I/O features 80 sessions, more than 3,000 developers, and over 100 demonstrations from developers showcasing their technologies. Talk shop with engineers building the next generation of web, mobile, and enterprise applications.

html5-slides - Project Hosting on Google Code

by ghis (via)
Slide deck of HTML5 features and next generation features of Web Development, including Javascript APIs, HTML tags and CSS. Very useful for presentations as each slide is interactive. Initially meant to show bleeding edge features in Google Chrome although there might be fallback code for other browsers. It has the Chrome Frame tag so it works in IE too. Source code of :

Êtes-vous prêt à réencoder vos vidéos en VP8

by kasi77
on est pas prêt de voir émerger un standard !

March 2010

Some People Can’t Read URLs « Not The User’s Fault

by ghis & 1 other (via)
Reactions seem divided into two camps. One camp is having a great laugh at the stupidity of the users – after all, how could they look at a page with a red masthead, titled “ReadWriteWeb”, featuring a news article, and think they were on the Facebook login page? How could they be smart enough to figure out how to leave a comment, but too dumb to know what site they were on? The other camp, for example an article from blogger Funkatron called We’re the stupid ones is pointing the finger at the software world for assuming that everyone knows as much about computers as we do, and more specifically at Google – after all, isn’t this in some way Google’s screw-up for returning the wrong result?

How to Setup Your Own Web Proxy Server For Free with Google App Engine [Video Tutorial]

by ghis (via)
A simple Google search and you’ll find dozens of really good PHP scripts on the Internet to help you create proxy servers in minutes for free. The only limitation with PHP based proxies is that you require a web server to host the proxy scripts and second, you also need a domain name to act as an address for your proxy site.

February 2010

Google Chart Tools - Google Code

by parmentierf & 1 other
The Google Chart Tools enable adding live charts to any web page.

Facebook Login Fiasco Demonstrates Challenge in Competing with Google - Search Marketing News Blog - Search Engine Watch (SEW)

by ghis
If you're not already aware, this week ReadWriteWeb wrote up a post pondering about how Facebook wishes to be the "One True Login." The idea behind the post is that recent moves seem to suggest that Facebook wishes to become a starting point for most users to the rest of the web. Google quickly ranked the post in its "News" results at the top of the results page for "Facebook login." People began clicking on the post thinking they could login to Facebook from there. When they couldn't, they began leaving comments on the post expressing frustration and wanting to know how they could just log in!

January 2010

Projet Manhattan 2.0 : les Etats-Unis préparent-ils la bombe libre ? | ReadWriteWeb France

by sammyfisherjr
"Il faut se rendre à l’évidence, face au clan des nations qui censurent semble se mettre en place une coalition faite d’entreprises, d’un Etat, et d’ONG bien décidées à tout faire pour sabrer toute tentative de censure."

Official Google Reader Blog: Follow changes to any website

by kasi77
Feeds make it easy to follow updates to all kinds of webpages, from blogs to news sites to Craigslist queries, but unfortunately not all pages on the web have feeds. Today we're rolling out a change in Google Reader that lets you create a custom feed to track changes on pages that don't have their own feed.

SVG-edit demo

by piouPiouM
Un éditeur en ligne de fichiers SVG.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag google

cyberattack +   dev +   secu +   security +   sécurité +   webapp +