public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags google & internet

August 2005

July 2005

Submit your RSS feed to the Google personalized homepage

by newsniche
If you are looking to promote your RSS feed then submitting your feed to the Google personalized homepage. At the moment it is still unclear whether or not this will actually provide any immediate benefits. Only time will tell, but I can see this as the start of a major move towards RSS on the part of Google.

web design programming blog software reference music tools css javascript art news linux google ajax blogs java webdesign howto search cool internet politics fun mac maps humor rss development photography toread technology flash tech tutorial games funny

by hurlantenova
web design programming blog software reference music tools css javascript art news linux google ajax blogs java webdesign howto search cool internet politics fun mac maps humor rss development photography toread technology flash tech tutorial games funny

June 2005 - the ultimate search engine

by hchicha
Rechercher le web grace à ggogle, yahoo, excite et tous les autres SUR UNE MEME PAGE !!


by kaihsyn & 10 others


by wozy

May 2005

personnalisation par le google lab'

by arnet & 68 others
Personnalisé google avec les outils officiels

Google Content Blocker

by Roberta & 2 others
Après la suppression des bannières de pub via des systèmes tels <a href=>AdBlock</a>, voici la suppression des contenus, pour mieux profiter de la publicité ! Non, c'est une blague, hein, mais le charabia commercial pourrait donner envie de se le procurer. Méfiances, <a href=>marketers are liars</a>.

April 2005