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29 April 2010

Manual de Ubuntu

by m.meixide & 2 others
Comezar con Ubuntu 10.04 é unha guía para principantes do sistema operativo Ubuntu. Está escrita con unha licenza de código aberto e é de balde para descargar, ler, modificar e compartir. O manual axudaralle a familiarizarse coas tarefas diarias: navegar polo web, escoitar música ou escanear documentos. Poñendo énfase na sinxeleza ao seguir as instrucións, e é axeitado para todos os niveis de experiencia.

22 April 2010

El Androide Libre

by m.meixide
Os acabáis de comprar un teléfono Android y estáis perdidos entre tanta cantidad de aplicaciones y noticias. No pasa nada, para todos vosotros hemos creado Primeros Pasos con tu Android que tendrá una posición fija en el blog.

19 April 2010

Video en Linux

by m.meixide
Taringa! - Todo pero todo sobre Video en Linux

17 April 2010

Viva o Linux

by m.meixide & 2 others
Viva o Linux - A maior comunidade Linux da América Latina!

Big Linux

by m.meixide
Big Linux, em busca do sistema perfeito!

15 April 2010

Crear una extensión para Firefox 3 - Wikilibros

by m.meixide
En el siguiente tutorial se explicará paso a paso como llevar a cabo el desarrollo de una extensión personalizada para Firefox 3. De esta forma el lector podrá generar de forma fácil extensiones que le permitan personalizar su Firefox, teniendo en cuenta que serán compatibles a partir de Firefox3.0 en adelante.

Packaging extensions - MozillaZine Knowledge Base

by m.meixide
Before releasing extension, you need to package it into an XPI file, so that others can easily install it with a few clicks. provides the most comprehensive technical document on packaging extensions. It explains the format of the install.rdf manifest for those wishing to create one from scratch. See install.rdf page for the list of tools and a template that make it easier to create an install manifest.

Creating XPI Installer Modules - MDC

by m.meixide
Mozilla has introduced major changes to the way that themes and all the other parts of the UI are packaged. This new packaging scheme is called XPI (pronounced "zippy"), and interacts with XPInstall. A XPI file typically contains the resources to be installed (in this case the barley.jar we want to have installed in the Mozilla/bin/chrome/ directory) and an install script that guides the installation process.

12 April 2010

Lubi, LVPM, UNetbootin, and Bubakup

by m.meixide
Lubi, the Linux-based Ubuntu Installer, is a graphical user interface and backend that allows installation of Ubuntu Linux-based distros on a loopmounted filesystem (no partitioning required) on modern GNU/Linux distributions, without an installation CD. The Loopmounted Virtual Partition Manager allows users to upgrade their existing Wubi or Lubi installation to a standard Ubuntu system by transferring all data, settings, and applications from the original install to a dedicated partition. UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for a variety of Linux distributions from Windows or Linux, without requiring you to burn a CD. Bubakup, the Bootable Ubuntu Backup, is a tool that allows you to create a bootable backup image of your running system.


by m.meixide & 38 others
Linux Howtos and Tutorials

01 April 2010

ur1 Generator

by m.meixide
ur1 is an Open Service from StatusNet Inc., powered by lilURL. Full source available under the terms of the GNU General Public License. UR1 Database is available in tab-separated values format. To the extent possible under law, StatusNet Inc. has waived all copyright, moral rights, database rights, and any other rights that might be asserted over the UR1 Database.

16 March 2010


by m.meixide & 2 others
Remobo - Instant Private Network Application. Just login, add users to your buddy list, and Remobo will create a secure network for you to: Remote control your home computer and access files while at work or traveling. Privately share large files like photos & docs between computers or with friends & family. Replace your existing, costly and difficult to use VPN software. Run games, video conferencing, streaming media, secure instant messaging & more!


by m.meixide & 2 others
Yugma, Free Web Conferencing, Online Meetings, Web Collaboration Service, Free Desktop Sharing, video conferencing, remote control software, net meeting, mac conferencing.

by m.meixide
Vyew - FREE Anytime Collaboration and Live Web Conferencing™

RemoteControl - Dropbox TipsAndTricks

by m.meixide
These are two scripts that enable you to remote control a PC using Dropbox

12 March 2010

WineHQ - Wine User Guide

by m.meixide
Wine is an open source project, and there are accordingly many different versions of Wine for you to choose from. The standard version of Wine comes in intermittent releases (roughly twice a month), and can be downloaded over the internet in both prepackaged binary form and ready to compile source code form. Alternatively, you can install a development version of Wine by using the latest available source code from the Git repository.


by m.meixide & 10 others
WineHQ - Run Windows applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris and Mac OS X

Pt/Página Inicial - IEs4Linux

by m.meixide
IEs4Linux é a forma mais simples de ter o Microsoft Internet Explorer rodando no Linux (ou outro SO rodando Wine). Qual é o público alvo? * WebDesigners que querem migrar para o Linux mas ainda precisam testar seus Sites no IE * Pessoas que precisam abrir Sites que só funcionam no IE É gratuito e software livre.

11 March 2010

Instalar paquetes en R (CRAN)

by m.meixide
A veces uno se encuentra con que R no trae todos los paquetes que uno necesita, así que hay que buscar en la lista de paquetes del proyecto para encontrar lo que se ajuste a las necesidades. Después de encontrarlo toca instalarlo. He aquí un ejemplo práctico

Instalar R en Ubuntu

by m.meixide
En Ubuntu (o cualquier otra distribución de linux), en condiciones normales R funciona dentro de la consola o terminal, y por lo tanto no tiene una GUI propia. Además, si uno quiere instalarse la última versión, no siempre va a poder hacerlo a través de Synaptic, porque los repositorios tardan algún tiempo en publicar los programas. Este tutorial explica una manera sencilla de hacerlo.

Navegador Firefox en galego

by m.meixide (via)
Máis rápido, máis seguro e máis adaptábel. Actualícese a un navegador que fala no seu idioma! Firefox é a mellor maneira de navegar pola Internet de forma máis rápida e segura.

10 March 2010

02 March 2010

Linux Group Tests - todo el software agrupado por categorías

by m.meixide
This is the largest set of group tests available, and it is constantly being updated and new articles added. Almost all of the software featured in the group tests below is free to download (and open source).