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17 November 2005

Raph’s Website » Blue world

by bcpbcp (via)
"Once upon a time there was a world where half of the population couldn’t see the color blue."

Gamasutra - Interview - "Developing Sex in Games with Brenda Brathwaite"

by bcpbcp
"Brenda Brathwaite, a 23-year veteran of the video games industry, has worked on 21 published titles, including most recently Cyberlore's Playboy: The Mansion. She is also the founder and chair of the International Game Developers Association's Sex Special Interest Group, which has as its goal the welcoming of “all developers actively creating or interested in the development of adult sexual content.” The SIG also aims to promote discussion about the adult content development community, and “the unique issues, challenges, possibilities it faces.”"

Are you serious? from Guardian Unlimited: Gamesblog

by bcpbcp
"Last week gamesblog covered Persuasive Games' latest release Airport Insecurity, "a game about inconvenience and the tradeoffs between security and rights in American airports". I grabbed Ian Bogost, one half of the company (and one-half of the blog watercoolergames) to explain exactly what he means by "serious games"."

15 November 2005 - Keeping a Genre Alive

by bcpbcp (via)
In a Bid to Rekindle the Text-Only PC GamesOf the 1980s, Fans Write New Adventures

14 November 2005

Livro sobre sudoku

by bcpbcp
"Presen�a constante nas �ltimas semanas na lista de best-sellers da Inglaterra, Canad� e E.U.A., o SUDOKU (pronunciado como "sud�cu""

Game/AI: Great Expectation-Formations

by bcpbcp
"Forming expectations is a problem that is relatively easy to concretize: AIs have an internal knowledge model of the world. If the AI is able to provide an estimate for what that state is going to look like n ticks in the future, that’s an expectation – and naturally we’re going to want the AI to react not (or not just) to current world-state, but also to its expectation. React to its own expectation. I think that’s a neat idea, and architecturally it makes a lot of sense. Assuming we have a reactive behavior system of some sort already, we don’t, as a first pass, need to modify IT at all. All we need to do is provide future instead of current data. Great!"

Gamasutra - Book Excerpt - "21st Century Game Design: Designing for the Market"

by bcpbcp
"Why is game design often overlooked as an important factor contributing to game sales? Perhaps because when most people in development companies talk about “good game design,” they mean “game design that produced a game I really like.” This sort of subjective validation of game design is of no use in business, which thrives on repeatable methods based around capturing a target audience—the market. Unable to see the profit resulting from “good design”— especially since many allegedly well-designed games fail commercially— most businessmen ignore design entirely."

Casuality Seattle, a Seattle Games Conference for Game Developers, Publishers and Distributors

by bcpbcp (via)
"Welcome to Casuality Seattle, a Seattle Games Conference for Game Developers, Publishers and Distributors. Casuality Seattle is a conference administered, designed and organized by an independent group of casual game industry professionals to address the specific needs of casual game developers, publishers and distributors across all distribution platforms: PC Download, Mac, retail, XBox Live Arcade, handheld and wireless mobile."

Gamasutra - Feature - "Nintendo Entertainment System – Expired Patents Do Not Mean Expired Protection"

by bcpbcp
"[Editor's Note: This article originated when the Gamasutra editors noticed a number of online sources such as Wikipedia stating that it was now completely legal to make NES 'clone' consoles, because all of Nintendo's patents regarding the NES had expired. How true was this statement? We asked game IP lawyer S. Gregory Boyd the question: "Are the NES patents expired? If so, is a company free to build and sell new NES-like systems?" Here's his response.]"

12 November 2005

11 November 2005 (1730698) I, for one, welcome our new Jack Thompson overlord, and suggest that we use Photoshop to take violent video games and make them non-violent

by bcpbcp
"I, for one, welcome our new Jack Thompson overlord, and suggest that we use Photoshop to take violent video games and make them non-violentFarkers have clicked on the above link 11488 times"

10 November 2005

Only a Game: A Game Design Grammar

by bcpbcp & 1 other
What does it mean to talk of a grammar of game design? And does specifying such a grammar give us an insight into the underlying structure of games, or a new method for approaching game design - or both? Because games vary from pure mathematical formalisms (at the ludic extreme) to behavioural descriptions (at the opposite extreme), any formal reductionistic system will either be focused primarily on the former, or require sufficient latitude to express practically infinite diversity. One such approach is to define a categorial grammar of game design.

Coluna Games - JB Online

by bcpbcp
O criador do game do Mensal�o, em entrevista ao JB Online, conta como come�ou a desenvolver jogos. Comenta ainda sobre as dificuldades do mercado nacional e aponta caminhos para os que querem iniciar esta carreira.

09 November 2005


by bcpbcp (via)
"SpaceWar may be the most important computer game ever. The first version was developed for the PDP-1 at MIT in 1960. The game has been under essentially constant development since."

08 November 2005

07 November 2005

Yaroze 2006 Sony Game Design Competition | Dexigner

by bcpbcp
Sony Japan is holding auditions to unearth new talent in the area of game creation.The Game Yaroze! 2006 (also known as "Let's Play a Game!") competition has been running since 1995.

Video Game Media Watch — The Video Game Journalism Review » Interview: Smatbomb Co-Author Heather Chaplin

by bcpbcp
“Smartbomb: The Quest for Art, Entertainment, and Big Bucks in the Videogame Revolution“ is the first book from husband-and-wife team Heather Chaplin and Aaron Ruby. Chaplin, a journalist whose work has appeared in the New York Times, Fortune and Salon, agreed to answer some questions about the writing process for us.

06 November 2005 Wonders of Numbers: Adventures in Mathematics, Mind, and Meaning: Books: Clifford A. Pickover

by bcpbcp (via)
Who were the five strangest mathematicians in history? What are the ten most interesting numbers? Jam-packed with thought-provoking mathematical mysteries, puzzles, and games, Wonders of Numbers will enchant even the most left-brained of readers. Hosted by the quirky Dr. Googol--who resides on a remote island and occasionally collaborates with Clifford Pickover--Wonders of Numbers focuses on creativity and the delight of discovery. Here is a potpourri of common and unusual number theory problems of varying difficulty--each presented in brief chapters that convey to readers the essence of the problem rather than its extraneous history. Peppered throughout with illustrations that clarify the problems, Wonders of Numbers also includes fascinating "math gossip." How would we use numbers to communicate with aliens? Check out Chapter 30. Did you know that there is a Numerical Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? You'll find it in Chapter 45. From the beautiful formula of India's most famous mathematician to the Leviathan number so big it makes a trillion look small, Dr. Googol's witty and straightforward approach to numbers will entice students, educators, and scientists alike to pick up a pencil and work a problem.

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