public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag frameworks

March 2006

AJAX Frameworks

by tagtooga & 1 other
AJAX Frameworks for software developers - links to the most popular AJAX frameworks, open source or otherwise. Each link displays a HTML snapshot of the site.


by xenomorph & 4 others (via)
F-Script is a lightweight open-source scripting layer specifically designed for the Mac OS X object system (i.e. Cocoa). F-Script provides scripting and interactive access to Cocoa frameworks and custom Objective-C objects. It aims to be a useful and fun tool for both beginners and experts, allowing interactively exploring, testing and using Cocoa-based objects and frameworks.

Cocoa Documentation

by xenomorph
Cocoa is an object-oriented application environment designed specifically for developing Mac OS X native applications. The Cocoa frameworks support rapid development and high productivity, and include a full-featured set of classes designed to create robust and powerful Mac OS X applications. Cocoa provides developers starting new Mac OS X projects the fastest way to full-featured, extensible, and maintainable implementations. Applications from UNIX and other platforms can also be brought to Mac OS X quickly by using Cocoa to build state-of-the-art Aqua user interfaces while retaining most existing core code.

Ajax frameworks for software developers.

by tagtooga
Most popular AJAX frameworks offered on the web.

900+ Web 2.0 Sites in 50+ categories : Categorized Lists : eConsultant

by eConsultant & 67 others
Categorized into : Blogging Bookmarking Browsing Business Calendars Cataloging Chat Collaboration Community Cooperative Distribution Designing eCommerce Email Employment Events Filtering Financial Frameworks Games Geotracking Grassroots Humor Invitations Local Mapping Mashups Messaging Mobile Music Networking Non-profits Note Taking Office Peer Photographs Podcasts Polls Programming Project Management Publishing RSS Search Start Pages Storage Streaming Tech Support To-Do Travel Vblogging Videos Web analytics Wi-Fi Wiki

February 2006

Twisted Matrix Labs

by xenomorph & 3 others
Twisted is an event-driven networking framework written in Python and licensed under the MIT license.Twisted projects variously support TCP, UDP, SSL/TLS, multicast, Unix sockets, a large number of protocols (including HTTP, NNTP, IMAP, SSH, IRC, FTP, and others), and much more.

January 2006

December 2005

November 2005

October 2005

Cayenne: Overview

by xenomorph & 2 others
Cayenne is a powerful, full-featured Java Object Relational Mapping framework. It is open source and completely free. One of the main Cayenne distinctions is that it comes with cross-modeling GUI tools. This places Cayenne in the league of its own, making it a very choice over both closed source commercial products and traditional "edit your own XML" source solutions.


by xenomorph & 1 other
Full-stack, open-source Java web application framework, offering fast results with the promise of maintainability and code clarity. Development becomes productive, consistent and reusable.

Ruby on Rails

by xenomorph & 52 others
Rails is a full-stack, open-source web framework in Ruby for writing real-world applications with joy and less code than most frameworks spend doing XML sit-ups

Django | The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines

by xenomorph & 44 others
Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.

September 2005