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PUBLIC MARKS with tags firefox & web

November 2010

HTTPS Everywhere | Electronic Frontier Foundation

by jpcaruana
HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox extension produced as a collaboration between The Tor Project and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. It encrypts your communications with a number of major websites. Many sites on the web offer some limited support for encryption over HTTPS, but make it difficult to use. For instance, they may default to unencrypted HTTP, or fill encrypted pages with links that go back to the unencrypted site. The HTTPS Everywhere extension fixes these problems by rewriting all requests to these sites to HTTPS.

September 2010

Firefox 4, Google Chrome et l'évolution du Web par Chris Blizzard de Mozilla - Framablog

by Monique
Au temps pour ceux qui avaient vendu sa peau un peu trop rapidement : le panda[1] nouveau met l’accent sur les performances, à commencer par un nouveau moteur JavaScript...

July 2010

Webmail rendering in Firefox - Litmus

by nhoizey
"Not everyone realizes it, but depending on the web browser used to open your email in Hotmail, Gmail, and others, it can be rendered quite differently."

June 2010

How To Install Firefox 3.7 (4.0) With WebM Support In Ubuntu Linux [PPA] ~ Web Upd8

by nicolargo
Installation de Firefox 4.0 (actuellement appelé 3.7) avec support de WebM sous Ubuntu

May 2010

A New Type of Phishing Attack

by philippej (via)
"You can try it out on this very website (I’ve only tested it in Firefox). Click away to another tab for at least five seconds. Flip to another tab. Do whatever. Then come back to this tab."

April 2010

by parmentierf & 2 others (via)
The next-generation Web Editor based on the rendering engine of Firefox

Typecut :: Modules pour Firefox

by nhoizey
"The Firebug plugin that extracts embedded (Typekit) font resources from websites and allows their separate download. "

March 2010

Why Ad Blocking is devastating to the sites you love

by nhoizey & 1 other
Did you know that blocking ads truly hurts the websites you visit? We recently learned that many of our readers did not know this, so I'm going to explain why.

Some People Can’t Read URLs « Not The User’s Fault

by ghis & 1 other (via)
Reactions seem divided into two camps. One camp is having a great laugh at the stupidity of the users – after all, how could they look at a page with a red masthead, titled “ReadWriteWeb”, featuring a news article, and think they were on the Facebook login page? How could they be smart enough to figure out how to leave a comment, but too dumb to know what site they were on? The other camp, for example an article from blogger Funkatron called We’re the stupid ones is pointing the finger at the software world for assuming that everyone knows as much about computers as we do, and more specifically at Google – after all, isn’t this in some way Google’s screw-up for returning the wrong result?

February 2010

gleeBox: Keyboard glee for your web

by ghis
leeBox is an experimental project that takes a keyboard-centric approach to navigating the web. It provides alternatives to actions that are traditionally performed via the mouse. Some of these are radically more efficient than using a mouse, some not so much. In all cases, they are mostly meant for keyboard and command line lovers.

December 2009

November 2009

October 2009

Firefox 3.6 : support du Web Open Font Format

by nicolargo
Le Web Open Font Format sera présent dans Firefox 3.6

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