public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags firefox & screenshot

June 2006

Pearl Crescent Page Saver

by tangthon & 29 others
Pearl Crescent Page Saver is a free extension for Mozilla Firefox that lets you save an image of a web page to a file in PNG format. Options let you control whether images are saved at full size (which is the default) or scaled down to a smaller size. The

andy ‽ ScreenGrab 0.8!

by tokitama & 10 others

May 2006 - voir son site sous Linux

by nhoizey & 17 others vous propose d'effectuer en quelques secondes des captures d'écran de vos pages Web consultées sous Linux avec Firefox, Konqueror, Opera ou Dillo. Vous pouvez aussi vérifier l'affichage généré par les navigateurs en mode texte Lynx et Links.

March 2006

Firefox Extension for SnagIt

by dominoes & 1 other
Think you can't open Office documents without paying hundreds of dollars for software? Think again. Just visit ThinkFree Office Online and you can open, edit, and create Office documents with this easy and convenient online service, new from ThinkFree.

February 2006

Pearl Crescent Page Saver

by leaffael & 29 others
比较方便的页面截图软件,是FF的插件,图标臭了点,用起来很好,比OS中带的清楚很多,我觉得,是在 未完成 上看到的

Pearl Crescent Page Saver |

by simon_bricolo & 29 others
Plugin pour faire une copie d'écran de toute la page (et pas juste la partie visible). Pour Psyao...

January 2006

Pearl Crescent Page Saver

by tbeaumanoir & 29 others
Pearl Crescent Page Saver is a free extension for Mozilla Firefox that lets you save an image of a web page to a file in PNG format

December 2005

Pearl Crescent Page Saver

by tokitama & 29 others

Pearl Crescent Page Saver

by nhoizey & 29 others (via)
Pearl Crescent Page Saver is a free extension for Mozilla Firefox that lets you save an image of a web page to a file in PNG format. Options let you control whether images are saved at full size or scaled down to a smaller size

November 2005

Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info:Screen grab! - All Releases

by pyxosledisciple & 1 other (via)
Screengrab saves entire webpages as images. Just install it, make sure Java is configured (Java absolutely necessary), and right-click on a page. You can save the entire page as an image (it scrolls around the page taking shots and stitches it together), just the visible portion, or the browser window. For examples take a look at the homepage.

Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info:Screen grab! - All Releases

by nhoizey & 1 other (via)
Screengrab saves entire webpages as images. Just install it, make sure Java is configured (Java absolutely necessary), and right-click on a page. You can save the entire page as an image (it scrolls around the page taking shots and stitches it together), just the visible portion, or the browser window. For examples take a look at the homepage.

September 2005

andy » ScreenGrab (0.5!)

by julie & 10 others
The screengrab plugin takes screenshots of webpages in the following 3 ways. 1. Capture the browser window (boring, I can do that with print-screen) 2. Capture the visible portion of the browser window (still boring) 3. Capture the entire document being viewed The screenshots are saved as PNGs wherever you want them.