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PUBLIC MARKS with tag finance

June 2009

Looking To Borrow Money, Is A Personal Loan Your Best Option

by hViewer
If you are needing to borrow money, there are a few different ways that you can go about getting it. The better your credit, the more money that you will be saving the next time you take out a loan.

May 2009

April 2009

Coûts et bénéfices de l'accessibilité - Blog Temesis

by nhoizey & 1 other
La démarche d'amélioration de l'accessibilité présente des enjeux financiers importants. Elle mobilise des ressources non négligeables à court terme. Toutefois, elle permet également de faire des économies sur le long terme.

March 2009

Offres de cartes de crédit Oney

by resoneo
Oney est un organisme financier proposant des offres de cartes de payement.

The Crisis of Credit Visualized on Vimeo

by rickydrier & 1 other
The Short and Simple Story of the Credit Crisis. The goal of giving form to a complex situation like the credit crisis is to quickly supply the essence of the situation to those unfamiliar and uninitiated. This project was completed as part of my thesis work in the Media Design Program, a graduate studio at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California.

1201C-bons-tresor2.jpg 1000×550 pixels

by marco
Qui détient les bons du trésor des Etats-Unis ?

February 2009

Trading Currency ETFs

by polyxena
ETFs retain the valuation feature of a unit trust, which can be purchased/redeemed at the end of each day for its net value - but you’re not limited to trading at the close price. An ETF is continually priced through market trading hours and so intra-day trading becomes possible. (Not something that ever went on with unit trusts or mutual funds).

Contract for Difference Trading - CFD

by polyxena
CFDs are to be avoided, on stocks, equities, anything and everything - it’s one small step away from spread betting and if you want to end up like those dumbasses who spreadbet on the FTSE opening every morning, fine, go ahead…

Install MetaTrader EAs - Expert Advisors

by polyxena
It’s easy to include add-ons into MetaTrader - indicators, expert advisors (EAs), and other scripts, customising it to your particular requirements

Interest Rate Cuts All Round?

by polyxena
Thursday will have a similar deal - the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Bank of England announce their interest rates. The ECB is forecast - only forecast - to keep things the same, resisting any pressure to cut - which the larger members of the EU, France, Germany, would prefer - but others, Portugal, for example are dead against it.

Foreign Exchange 3-character Currency Codes

by polyxena
The first 2 letters of the code are the ISO 2-character country code and the third is (usually) the initial of the currency itself.

January 2009

Don't get obsessed with Forex.

by polyxena
The simple fact is, jaded, fatigued, your decision-making is not going to be better. There’s no argument against that.

日本の住宅ローンは世界から見れば変則です:NBonline(日経ビジネス オンライン)

by kuroyagi
"ノンリコースについて説明いたしましょう。少々乱暴に言えば、住宅ローンの月々の支払いが滞り、支払い不能に陥った場合、住宅をローン会社に譲り渡し、返済を止めてしまえば、ローン残高を支払うことなく、ひとまず一件落着となる、ということです。...極端な話、持ち家が差し押さえに直面したら、後は金融機関に投げ出せばそれで済むのです。もちろんその後のペナルティーは別です。 "

L'année de la crise : et ce qui devait arriver arriva...

by marco
Mr. Sarkozy [...] réussit à faire se tenir une réunion du G-20 [...]. La réunion ne fut cependant qu'un pétard mouillé, réaffirmant de manière incantatoire le caractère intangible de la logique de marché et de la propriété privée comme fondements de l'ordre financier mondial et se contentant de prôner la mise en œuvre de règles prudentielles déjà existantes mais dont le climat de laissez-faire instauré par l'ultralibéralisme des trente dernières années avait suspendu l'application effective.

December 2008

AFP: Arrestation à New York de Bernard Madoff, un courtier légendaire

by marco
Et ça continue encore et encore, c'est que le debut, d'accord d'accord

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