public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags film & movie

April 2007

The Abandoned (2006)

by Elvezio
Strange and morbid ghost story shot by spanish moviemaker Nacho Cerdà

Entertainment And Movie

by verna
This site is created to give visitors who are passionate about movies, which is one of the cheapest form of entertainment, to browse, enjoy and gain knowledge.

March 2007

The rise and fall of the slasher film

by Elvezio
Great documentary that in about an hour and a half sums up pretty much everything you have to know about the slasher genre. With lots of interview (Carpenter, Craven, Savini...) and curiosities.IT>ENG by google

February 2007

Institute Lumière

by peadra & 2 others
The Lumière brothers are creditted with being the pioneers of the first practical moving picture technology - namely sprocketted film. See the first 'movies' shot by them on this site. The Institut Lumière is a museum in Lyon, France honouring their work.

光影筆記 » 學商業運作的「門徒」

by Blog-you (via)
引: 爾冬陞執導、陳可辛監製,國內大電影公司保利博納出品的「門徒」,相信是近一年以來,最有劇力的港產電影,比黑社會、放逐更有戲味觀。但此電影在一個正面訊息向大家說毒品的禍害之餘,其實也可以向大家說,這是一個資本主義的自由市場以及商業運作和自我增值的重要性。

Qui perd gagne!

by stoff
film hilarant avec thierry l'hermite fait par benguigui

January 2007

Film Flap

by retrofilms
Movie reviews, commentary, filmmaking resources and more! Great site for the cinema fan and the low budget indie director alike.

December 2006

Fiches de films cinema et dvd

by stoff
Des dizaines de milliers de fiches gratuites de films cinéma, des affiches cinéma, les dernieres actualites du ciné et de vos acteurs preferés.

November 2006

点线影视论坛-DotLinefilm !

by softwind

Chroniques américaines

by adrienintheusa (via)
Blog video sur les USA. Découvrez les Etats-Unis et ses habitants grâce à nos videos : culture, films, découvertes, voyages, traditions... Vous verrez tout ! Vous saurez tout !