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PUBLIC MARKS with tag files


Maintaining log and tmp file

by alamat
If you need to maintain an application that generate a lot of logfiles or tmp files with running numbers as part of the filename and uses a common extension. These two command together will help to maintain it for a window of time.




Coquelicot — "one-click" file sharing with a focus on privacy

by oseres (via)
Coquelicot — /kɔ.kli.ko/ — is a “one-click” file sharing web application with a focus on protecting users’ privacy. Basic principle: users can upload a file to the server, in return they get a unique URL which can be shared with others in order to download the file. Coquelicot aims to protect, to some extent, users and system administrators from disclosure of the files exchanged from passive and not so active attackers.

Cours de techniques de gestion : théories des files d'attentes M/M/...

by oseres & 1 other (via)
es théories des files d'attentes sont des outils extrêmement puissant et vastes (une présentation complète nécessite au bas mot 300 pages A4) permettant de prendre en compte et de modéliser les goulots d'étranglement dans les processus des entreprises soit au niveau de la logistique, des centrales téléphoniques, des requêtes SQL sur les serveurs, des caisses de grands magasins ou encore dans les toilettes des grands stades sportifs (...) en fonction des hypothèses et contraintes de départ.


Automate your Dropbox

by oseres (via)
Connects your Evernote, Facebook, Flickr, and other web services / apps to Dropbox. Drag & drop files into a predefined folder on Dropbox and have them automatically converted and synced to your favorite places. Wappwolf is deconstructing the barriers of the cloud


by oseres (via)
Themeable PHP directory listings with built-in markdown viewing. — Read more


Apple iPad, Day 15: Working With Files on the iPad | PCWorld Business Center

by oseres (via)
In order for the iPad 2 to be functional as a primary computing device, it has to be able to work with files.

Files Lite, un gestionnaire de fichiers pour iPhone | Le blog de Yohann CIURLIK | Spawnrider.Net :: Blog

by oseres & 1 other (via)
Files lite est un gestionnaire de fichiers pour iPhone disponible sur l’Apple Store. Cet utilitaire est une petite merveille développé par Olive Toast. Il permet de disposer de ses fichiers personnels sur son iPhone sans nécessiter une connexion à Internet. D’autres se tourneront vers qui dispose d’un client iPhone permettant de disposer d’un espace de stockage en ligne.


WordPress › List Yo' Files « WordPress Plugins

by simon_bricolo
adds the ability to list files by file name for a given folder with hyperlinks to each file making it downloadable.


by simon_bricolo & 1 other
Quixly automatically integrates with your PayPal & Google Checkout accounts and makes delivering your files to your customers a snap. Once your customer makes a purchase, Quixly will instantly deliver your files to them. It's completely customizable and completely secure. Manage & monitor your customer downloads as they happen.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag files

blog +   delicious +   delnyc +   download +   file +   free +   hébergement +   host +   hosting +   hosts +   media +   mp3 +   outils +   rapidshare +   services +   share +   storage +   upload +  

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