public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag facebook

February 2015

January 2015

BBC Taster - Your Story

by gregg
Who was number one the day you were born? Who was in No10 when you first voted? Your Story is a new online tool that intertwines your back story with BBC archive news events. Turning the world’s time line, into your time line. Go on, log in and find out YOUR STORY.

December 2014

Nuke Suite

by gregg
Integrated Social Marketing for Global Brands

November 2014

October 2014

September 2014

Facebook Media

by gregg
Explore how public figures and media organizations are using Facebook in extraordinary ways.

Ce que Facebook peut dire de vous...

by Giraultises
Facebook Report est un service de excellent Wolfram|Alpha. Il permet de visualiser simplement, via l'analyse de votre compte du même nom, votre profil. Cartographie des relations, mots clés utilisés, Age moyen et sexe de vos relations... tout y passe ! Il y a des gens à qui ça devrait faire peur...

August 2014

Nuzzel - News From Your Friends

by gregg & 1 other
Discover the best news stories shared by your friends on Facebook and Twitter, without being overwhelmed or missing anything.

July 2014

Taille des images Facebook, Twitter, Google+… (juillet 2014)

by dzc & 2 others (via)
toutes les tailles des images à utiliser sur les réseaux sociaux (profil, couverture, posts, etc.)

FullContact Person API | Add social profile data to your contacts

by srcmax
Query by email address, Twitter username, Facebook ID or phone number. FullContact’s Person API finds publicly-available social profiles, profile photos, basic demographics and social influence.

June 2014

Facebook turns user tracking 'bug' into data mining 'feature' for advertisers | ZDNet

by sbrothier (via)
Facebook announced changes to its privacy and advertising policies on its company blog last Thursday, extending Facebook's ability to track users outside of Facebook -- undoing previous assurances it "does not track users across the web."

Facebook will now track your browsing history on external sites & mobile apps

by gregg
Facebook has found new, far more intrusive ways to exploit your personal information. The company will now use information from your web browsing history to display tailored advertisements on its site.