public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag extension

October 2010


by nhoizey
"This is a pure-JavaScript library that detects whether Flash is blocked on the current page due to a Flash blocking extension."

September 2010


by ghis & 1 other
A Chrome extension for customizing web pages.

July 2010

203 - Firefox: la suite d'outils de tests d'intrusion contenait une backdoor

by srcmax

Un pirate informatique aurait réussi à introduire une extension frauduleuse contenant un backdoor (porte dérobée pour les anglophobes) au sein des modules mises à disposition par la fondation Mozilla, éditeur du navigateur Firefox.

Add-ons Builder

by Krome & 1 other
Use Add-ons Builder to quickly and easily develop an extension for Firefox using common web technologies. Get started by simply pressing the Create Add-on button and typing in your code!

Add-ons Builder

by Spone & 1 other (via)
Use Add-ons Builder to quickly and easily develop an extension for Firefox using common web technologies. Get started by simply pressing the Create Add-on button and typing in your code!

June 2010

Poster :: Add-ons for Firefox

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
A developer tool for interacting with web services and other web resources that lets you make HTTP requests, set the entity body, and content type. This allows you to interact with web services and inspect the results... very neat and useful indeed! { content: "Homepage"; }

by Spone & 4 others (via)
Say goodbye to the browser-specific properties and hacks cluttering your files and say hello to lean, mean CSS. With eCSStender, when you write the rules, browsers pay attention.

May 2010

Envoyer un message personnel à certains destinataires d'un email

by Giraultises (via)
Bccthis est un plugin à Outlook ou Gmail qui vous permet d'envoyer un message particulier qu'à certains des destinataires de l'email en question. Un petit plus qui peut être utile...

April 2010

GoogleSharing :: A Special Kind Of Proxy

by parmentierf (via)
GoogleSharing is a special kind of anonymizing proxy service, designed for a very specific threat. It ultimately aims to provide a level of anonymity that will prevent Google from tracking your searches, movements, and what websites you visit. GoogleSharing is not a full proxy service designed to anonymize all your traffic, but rather something designed exclusively for your communication with Google. Our system is totally transparent, with no special "alternative" websites to visit. Your normal work flow should be exactly the same.

Shrunked Image Resizer :: Modules pour Firefox

by nhoizey
"Shrunked crée une copie réduite de vos photos pour le courrier électronique et l'upload. Quand l'extension repère une image JPEG (une photo par exemple), elle vous demandera si vous souhaitez la réduire. "

What's wrong with extending the DOM

by marco & 1 other
DOM extension is simply the process of adding custom methods/properties to DOM objects.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag extension

coding +   css +   debug +   design +   development +   firefox +   for:pedro.custodio +   javascript +   layout +   plugin +   software +   usability +   webdev +