public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag evolution

January 2006

Answers in Genesis

by godsgeek & 2 others
Creation, Evolution, Christian Apologetics

December 2005

Science 評選二○○五年度十大最重要的科學成果

by YukuanMark

BBC - Radio 4 - Rules of Life

by jaysen
This eight-part series explores the pressures that bear down on an animal from the moment of conception right through to death, as they strive to pass their genes on to the next generation.

November 2005

This week in Evolution versus Intelligent Design

by multilinko (via)
In the past few days there have been three major stories in the ongoing battle between proponents of Evolution and proponents of Intelligent Design, with each side taking what they considered important victories in the battle. Those of you who follow Nobel Intent are probably already familiar with two of these issues, but the matter is important enough that I wanted to cover it here on the NewsDesk.

CBS News | Robertson: Pa. Voters Rejected God | November 11, 2005 07:30:08

by multilinko
Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson warned residents of a rural Pennsylvania town Thursday that disaster may strike there because they "voted God out of your city" by ousting school board members who favored teaching intelligent design.

Intelligent Evolution

by multilinko & 1 other (via)
Pellegrino University professor emeritus Edward O. Wilson, a scholarly giant of biodiversity and sociobiology, remains at heart a teacher. His latest lesson concerns the continuing consequences of Charles Darwin’s “timeless and consistently inspirational” science. At a moment when discussion of evolution and “intelligent design” preoccupies American political discourse to a surprising degree, shedding more heat than light on the nature of life and life science, Wilson invites the serious public to do what far too few of us have done: to read what Darwin wrote.

October 2005