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PUBLIC MARKS with tag eng

21 December 2005

Well, then...

by ecmanaut
<i>I guess I'm doing the Swedish student thing where you study when you don't have anything better to do, until you are so over-educated you are formally over-qualified for everything, although you have no real work experience to speak of...</i><br><br>Sp

Getting multi-monitor-like docking out of a single monitor

by ecmanaut
Sometimes it's the really basic ideas that are the best. Excellent example.

20 December 2005

Template upgrades

by ecmanaut
The reason for javascript to handle backlinks is that this is how Blogger adds the backlinks to blogs; it's not template tags rendered server side but actually template tags that get parsed client side, inject one script tag per post having backlinks and

18 December 2005

JSON and RSS - John Resig

by ecmanaut
<a href="">GVisit</a> offers JSON feeds of recent visitor locations. It's a lot of fun to play with mashing that up with the Google Maps API. (Or other mapping services, of course, if so inclined.) <a href="

17 December 2005

A cyber fairy tale

by ecmanaut
Yay! *cheers* Let the baby carriages come crashing down the streets! ;-)

16 December 2005

Just Subjects » Blog Archive » Google Maps Hacking is Fun

by ecmanaut
Nice! Under the license terms of the gmap-wms code, am I right in presuming the "label in map" referrs to your "JustB ;)" signature? I'm considering using your Open Streetmap mashup, and would prefer to attribute that project as the map data source, if po

A map mashup feasibility study

by ecmanaut
Do you happen to have any pointers to RSS (or better still, JSON or JSONP) feeds of geocaches near a coordinate, or perhaps within a bounding box given by two lat/long pairs? That would make it approachable as a quick hack, for the sheer fun of it.<br><br

15 December 2005

Kommissarie F. Curiosa: Feminine curiosity can be deadly: Lästips: Svenssonskolan

by ecmanaut
Regarding 2, we find an even worse extreme in the nature starved Germans. :-) Ecotopianism does come naturally to many of us, though; no argument there.

14 December 2005

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

by ecmanaut
This was an interesting take on a tip jar. :-) It will be interesting to see where it takes you.

Developer Discussion: Microcontent permalinks by default

by ecmanaut
Much of the content on the web, especially in forums and the like, are adressable by URL with even better than page precision -- posts typically carry permalinks, so people can link to a specific message in a thread or comment on a post, and so on. This m

Developer Discussion: Preview post

by ecmanaut
When posting on the Ning Developer Discussion Board...<br><br>...Hmm, that is one lengthy name, and you seem to have forgotten to add it in the alt="" attribute of the header image too (for cut and paste convenience for lazy typists like myself and improv

13 December 2005

Browservulsel: Blogger edit comments user script

by ecmanaut
This script is set up to inject on (among others) -- which is a page I am not familiar with, I believe. Where do I find it?<br><br>I am presently doing a Greasemonkey 0.6.4 rehaul of this script and thought I ought to che

Blogger publish ping and categorizer tool

by ecmanaut
(That's weird; I was dead sure I had already commented on this?!) Anyway, this is something I can probably fix, with a bit of help from you. If you could save a version of your <b>Your blog published successfully</b> page, script turned <i>off</i> (or, b

ecmanaut: Permalinks and their applications

by ecmanaut
Time zones at play; the perception of what date it is is different in UTC-6 hours time zone where the server that runs your PHP code is located to where you and I are where our point of time reference is presently UTC+1 hours.<br><br>This is also why the

Kooky Knits

by ecmanaut
Those ear rings were <i>amazingly</i> cute. :-) And I am the kind of person who would very rarely notice something like that too. *smiles* Anyway, I did find the (hopefully only) <a href="

12 December 2005

Post the whole feed, why don't you? - Freshblog

by ecmanaut
This is a social, not a technical problem. What Rubel has done (and should do) is adding the license text, "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License", and visitors and syndicators should respect those terms. Try

Inline Comments Hack - Freshblog

by ecmanaut
Rather clever idea, using the comment URL field to add photos to common posters. I think I might eventually adopt something similar myself; the Blogger profile hack with iframes I use at the moment is kind of ugly.

Basang Panaginip: Redesign

by ecmanaut
Interesting take on page formatting in general and comment list in particular. You wouldn't happen to keep an archive or side blog on design or tech topics?

Mindsack » Blog Archive » Dynodes: Cross-Domain Scripting using Dynamic Node Creation

by ecmanaut
<i>A co-worker challenged me to build a user-initiated script that loaded, ran, and deleted itself multiple times without using onReadyStateChange.</i> Ah, that explains things. :-) <i>Ecmanaut rocks, by the way. Keep up the good work! </i> Thank

Brief moments

by ecmanaut
I recognize that subway setting and feeling. I was on the verge of patting a girl of the same mood the last moment before stepping off the train, on a recent visit to the city, but finally decided not to, as I might just as easily be a scary rather than w

HedgerWow's Blog - Simulating text-overflow on Firefox with unobtrusive Javascript.

by ecmanaut
Wow; good work! Could you elaborate a bit on the involvement of mouse events in this solution; I find it somewhat puzzling and quizzical.

HedgerWow's Blog - Initialization in Javascript

by ecmanaut
The onload handler handles some things that the crude case of the other two do not, perhaps most importantly guaranteeing that the entire document has been loaded and parsed (so, for instance, entities such as document.body is available in most browsers)


by ecmanaut
Excellent suggestion. I recently discussed a similar, slightly less generic solution for <a href="">generating usable JSON feeds</a> which is somewhat easier to use for novice programmer

11 December 2005

Comment Notification Added

by ecmanaut
Nice hack. I'd suggest using an onclick handler and keeping the href attribute for browsers with javascript turned off, though.

Blogger categorizer script

by ecmanaut
As it happens (and you also seem to have noticed), I later wrote up a separate article on <a href="" rel="nofollow">styling the tags list with CSS</a>.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag eng

crossbrowser +   dhtml +   javascript +   myComments +   public +