public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag email

April 2015

Crystal | Communicate with anyone, based on personality

by sbrothier & 2 others (via)
Crystal is a new technology built upon an ancient principle: Communicate with empathy.

March 2015

February 2015

Ink: Responsive Email Templates

by sbrothier
Each template is a single HTML email built using Ink. You can preview them and inspect the code to see how they were implemented, or download them and try making some changes. Each template already has Ink included in a style tag at the top of the file.

Ink: A Responsive Email Framework from ZURB

by srcmax
Quickly create responsive HTML emails that work on any device & client. Even Outlook.

Blink Title of Tab in Browser

by calipussoftware (via)
Did you ever notice that sometimes your tab title gets updated on it’s own while you are browsing websites in other tab. There are many websites that do it. For eg. you shall notice that GMAIL update the title tab with counter of total number of unread email, each time your receive a new email. It’s a good practice to notify your customer that – something has just happened which needs your attention. That way your customer would not loose that important task and you would not loose that customer. Sounds Great!!

Messagerie et partage de fichiers chiffrés de bout en bout

by Giraultises (via)
Peerio est un outil de messagerie semblable à l'email (mais fonctionnant uniquement entre utilisateurs Peerio), un outil de stockage et de partage de fichiers avec 1 Gb dispo par utilisateur et un carnet de contact. Niveau sécurité, c'est du sérieux et il s'agit d'un chiffrement de bout en bout et en local ! Et pour clôturer le tout, ce projet est libre et open-source !

Un résumé de vos emails par jour

by Giraultises (via)
CloseToShop a pour adage : Moins d'emails. Plus de temps. C'est un service qui vous permet de rassembler dans un même email, le résumé de plusieurs emails. Via un simple bouton, vous renseignez le champs d'abonnement avec un alias unique. Vous pourrez ensuite gérer ces alias comme vous le souhaitez. Simple, Pratique et efficace !

20 of the Best Newsletters Full of Good Links to Share

by sbrothier & 1 other
This is all possible thanks to the rise of high-quality, curated newsletters, a format that’s flourished over the past few years. Expert curators across a wide spectrum of topics are finding and sharing the best content they discover—perfect for you to read, Buffer, and share with your social media audience.

January 2015


by emmanuelc & 1 other
Test and track your emails Email previews, analytics and spam filter testing.

Email on acid

by emmanuelc & 1 other
Tools that make email testing less painful.

December 2014

Email Design Guide

by gregg
The Email Design Guide is filled with tips and advice to help you convey your message in style. Learn how to better use images, fonts, calls to action and more.


by gregg & 6 others
Free email editor to build responsive design messages

Email Marketing Trends - Email interaction across mobile and desktop | Campaign Monitor

by gregg
Whether email is increasingly being consumed on mobile devices is no longer a question: it’s a fact. But does that mean the days of the desktop are over?

November 2014

Open Source Email Templates · sendwithus

by Spone & 1 other (via)
Open Source Email Templates Responsive, Free, and Community Driven

October 2014